Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween everyone! For this special post, I did some research and found some awesome Anime titles that would be perfect for Halloween. So, I'm going to list 5 of them here.
1: Soul Eater
2: Tokyo Ghoul
3: Rosario + Vampire
4: Vampire Knight
5: High School Of The Dead
Have fun, and have a Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

This post is about Lily from the show Glitter Force. Lily is a member of the Glitter Force, and her name is Glitter Peace. Lily is very sweet, but she gets upset and cries easily. Though she is very good at drawing, she doesn't like to show other people her drawings because of her shy nature. Even though she is shy and soft spoken, she is actually quite strong. Little by little, she starts to come out of her shell, and becomes a bit more outgoing with the help of her friends. When she is Glitter Peace, Lily has the power to control lightning.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

The post for today is about Chloe from the show Glitter Force. Chloe is a member of the Glitter Force, and her Glitter Force name is Glitter Breeze. She is very sweet, and she is always calm and level-headed. She always has high grades in school, and she does her best in everything she does. She is also a member of her school student council and the archery club. She is quite patient and understanding, and she often thinks everything through. Chloe is really smart, and always has her homework finished before all of her friends. She is an over-achiever, and she enjoys making other people happy.

Friday, October 28, 2016

This post is about Suigetsu Hozuki from the show Naruto Shippuden. Suigetsu is from the Hidden Mist Village. He left the Hidden Mist Village to continue his search for the swords from the Seven Ninja Swordsman Of The Mist. He had originally aimed to become a member of the Seven Ninja Swordsman Of The Mist, but lost his motivation after his brother died. He was later captured by Orochimaru, and ended up joining Taka. Suigetsu has a special water based Jutsu, which allows him to turn himself into water. But because of this Jutsu, he gets dehydrated very easily. He usually carries water bottles in pockets on his belt to prevent dehydration. He can also use the Executioner's Blade, which is one of the seven swords.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

For this post, I will be talking about Kiki from the movie Kiki's Delivery Service. Kiki is a 13 year old witch, and she has a black cat named Jiji who goes everywhere with her. She had left her home for a year to train to be a better witch. When she found a nice town without a witch, she decided to stay there. She couldn't decide what she should pick as a talent when she first arrived in the new town, but ended up becoming a delivery girl for a bakery. Kiki is a nice girl, and tries to be independent. She also loves Jiji very much, and she makes quite a few new friends after arriving in the town.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Today I will be talking about Sasori from Naruto Shippuden. Sasori is a ninja from the Hidden Sand Village, but he left it to find better humans to use as his puppets. He is also known as Sasori Of The Red Sand, and he is the grandson of Lady Chiyo. When he was young, his parents left for a mission, but they were killed by the White Fang Of The Leaf. Because of this, he was raised by his grandmother. While he was living with her, Lady Chiyo taught him how to use the Puppet Master Jutsu. However, he wanted to make his puppets last forever. So, he began experimenting on people, turning them into puppets. After he joined the Akatsuki, he was partnered with Deidara. They both have strong feelings for art, but they have opposite opinions about what art is.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

This post is about Spirit Albarn from Soul Eater. Spirit is Maka's father, and Lord Death's weapon. His nickname is Death Scythe, and that is what people usually call him. He is also the most powerful Death Scythe at the Death Weapon Meister Academy. Before he was Lord Death's weapon, he was partnered with Maka's mother. He was partnered with Franken Stein before he met Maka's mother, too. Maka's mother, his ex-wife, is the one who turned him into a Death Scythe. Spirit became Maka's father when he was only 18 years old. His ex-wife had divorced him after she caught him cheating. Despite this, Spirit still loves Maka and her mother very much.

Monday, October 24, 2016

For today's post, I will be talking about Orochimaru from Naruto Shippuden. Orochimaru is from the Hidden Leaf Village, but left it to continue his experiments. While in the Hidden Leaf, he became one of the three Legendary Sannins. After he left the Hidden Leaf, he created the Hidden Sound Village. Which isn't a village, but a research facility for his test subjects and experiments. He wants to gain immortality so he can figure out all of the world's secrets, which is why he experiments on people. Orochimaru also uses a snake type Jutsu. Because of his Jutsu type, he can shed his body for a new one when he is finished with it.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

This post is about Baron Humbert Von Gikkingen from the movie The Cat Returns. Baron Humbert Von Gikkingen is usually just called The Baron, and he is a gentleman. He lives in the Cat Bureau, and he is a cat statue. He is also friends with a crow statue named Toto. They are there to help people in need, and they can come to life at night. Baron was also in the movie Whisper Of The Heart, which is the first movie he made an appearance in. Due to his popularity, he was given a bigger role in the movie The Cat Returns.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Looks like it's time for another post again! Alright! So, today's post is about Maka Albarn from the show Soul Eater. Maka is a scythe meister, and she is also Soul's partner. She dislikes her father very much because she caught him cheating on her mother many times. Maka tries to follow in her mother's footsteps, and aims to make Soul into a death scythe. She is a student at the D.W.M.A., and tries to stay at the top of her class. She also enjoys reading. When she is annoyed with someone, she does her "Maka chop", which is her hitting the person she is annoyed with on the head with a book.

Friday, October 21, 2016

This post is about Death The Kid from the show Soul Eater. Death The Kid is the son of Lord Death, and is usually called Kid. He is a weapon meister, and uses twin pistols. He is obsessed with symmetry, and he can't fight or destroy anything symmetrical. However, if something isn't symmetrical, he finds it disgusting. He also has a breakdown when he sees something that isn't symmetrical, and he finds symmetrical things beautiful. His twin pistols are the Thompson sisters, who he saved from their life on the street. He chose twin pistols so he could be more symmetrical. Kid has three white lines on one side of his hair, too.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Today's post is about the Pokemon Snorlax, from the show Pokemon. Snorlax is a normal type Pokemon, and it is very big. It spends most of its time sleeping, and only wakes up to eat. It can also be awakened with the Pokeflute. It's weak against fighting type Pokemon, and it evolves from the Pokemon Munchlax. Snorlax is also a very docile Pokemon, and can be a male or female.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The post for today is about Pikachu from Pokemon. It's not just any Pikachu, either. This post is about Ash's Pikachu. Ash's Pikachu is special, and quite different from the other Pikachus. He was Ash's first Pokemon, and is still Ash's favorite Pokemon. Pikachu also walks on two legs, and doesn't like being in Pokeballs. If he is put in a Pokeball, he usually breaks out. He was quite mean and stubborn towards Ash in the beginning, but developed a sweet personality. He is very loyal towards Ash, and always gives his all in battles. Pikachu is considered an electric type Pokemon.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

This post is about Soul from the show Soul Eater. Soul goes to the Death Weapon Meister Academy, also known as the D.W.M.A. He can turn into a scythe, and his weapon meister is Maka. He is very loyal to his partner, and he is best friends with another meister named Black Star. He also aims to be a death scythe, which happens when the weapon and meister gather 99 kishin souls and 1 witch soul. He also has a semi-immature personality, which is part of the reason he is such good friends with Black Star.

Monday, October 17, 2016

This blog post is about Marik Ishtar from the show Yu-Gi-Oh. Marik is one of the many antagonists in Yu-Gi-Oh, but he did end up redeeming himself. He is the younger brother of Ishizu, and the heir to the Tomb Keepers. He had a dark side of himself called Yami Marik, which was usually suppressed by Odion. He had an organization called the Rare Hunters, which would take the rarest card of the opponent they defeated. Marik could also control the minds of others, and banish their souls to the Shadow Realm using his Millenium Rod. His dark side did take complete control of him at one point, too.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Today's post is about Mew from Pokemon. Mew is a rare Pokemon, and the only one of its kind left. It's small, pink, and very cat-like. It likes to have fun, and it can create pink protective bubbles. It's also a psychic type Pokemon, and it can turn itself invisible. Its gender is unknown, and it doesn't evolve. Mew is also a Mythical Pokemon, and little is known about it.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

The post for today will be about the game Project Diva X. Project Diva X is the newest game in the line of the Vocaloid Project Diva games. It's created by Sega and Crypton Future Media, and it features Hatsune Miku, Megurine Luka, Kaito, Rin and Len Kagamine, and Meiko. The game's story line takes place in the digital world, and in it you have to help the Vocaloids bring the music back. You can also raise the Vocaloids' relationship levels by giving them various gifts that match their interests. Project Diva X is for the PS4 and PS Vita game systems.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Today's post will be about Near from Deathnote. Near is one of the many children who studied under L. He studied along with Mello, but he is much calmer and level-headed than Mello. He and Mello lived in Wammy's House, which is a home for gifted children. It was also run by L. When Near was older, he became the leader of the SPK, and took over the Kira case. He is a bit childish, and always plays with toys. He is also quite calm, and has a habit of playing with his hair. Near also has a high intelligence level, and tends to think things similarly to how L thinks.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Today's post is about Maximillion Pegasus from the show Yu-Gi-Oh. He is simply called Pegasus, and he is the creator of Duel Monsters. Pegasus has a gentleman-like disposition, and uses a toon based deck. He is very rich, but lives alone. He was engaged once, but his fiance passed away before their marriage. He posseses a Millennium Eye where his left eye used to be. Pegasus can use his Millenium Eye to read the mind of his dueling opponent. He also has a special one-of-a-kind card called Toon World, which protects his toon monsters as long as Toon World is in play.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Today's post is about Momiji Sohma from the show Fruits Basket. Momiji is part of the Sohma family, and is one of the cursed zodiac members. He turns into a rabbit when he transforms. He is 15 years old, but acts much younger than his actual age. He also has a younger sister and a mother, but he is not allowed to see them. That's because when he was younger, his mother rejected him because he could transform into a rabbit. Despite that, he has a very chipper and bubbly personality.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

This post is about Ash Ketchum from Pokemon. Ash is a Pokemon trainer, and is about 10 years old. His main Pokemon is Pikachu, and he never puts Pikachu in a Pokeball. Ash came from a town called Pallet Town, which is in the Kanto region. He also travels around the whole region in search of adventures and Gym Badges with his friends. He started the journey with Brock and Misty, but has traveled with many different people since Brock and Misty left.

Monday, October 10, 2016

The post for today is about Happy from the show Fairy Tail. Happy is Natsu's best friend, and has been since the day he hatched. He is a small blue cat who can fly using Aero magic. He loves fish, and enjoys telling jokes and picking on his friends. He is an exceed, but has always been with Natsu. He is almost always picking on Lucy, but not always intentionally. Happy and Natsu also consider each other to be family, since they have almost always been together.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

This blog post is about the Glorious Blue CD that was released on January 20th 2016. This CD is a special limited edition CD that was released to commemorate Kaito's 10th anniversary. It has 14 Kaito Songs on it, including the songs A Thousand Year Solo and Pane Dhiria. Out of the 14 songs, two of them are the bonus tracks Wanderer and At God's Mercy. This CD was about 3200 ¥, or roughly 31 U.S. dollars at the time of it's release.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

This post is actually going to put an end to the Deathnote character marathon. This one is about Howl from the movie Howl's Moving Castle. Howl is a well known wizard. He is rumored to capture young girls and eat their hearts, but that wasn't true. He is quite powerful, and has a fire demon named Calcifer in his moving house. He also has several different aliases, and has a curse on him that changes him into a bird. Howl can use his magic to walk on air, too.

Friday, October 7, 2016

This post is about Matsuda from Deathnote. Matsuda is a member of the Task Force, and helps L with the Kira case. He is naive in some ways, but he really does try his best. He also tries to prove himself by taking matters into his own hands. It did end up putting him in trouble, but his actions did get the necessary information for the Task Force. He also has a kind personality, but can be stern when he has to be.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Continuing on with the mini Deathnote marathon, today's post is about Rem. Rem is a female Shinigami, and she is attached to Misa Amane's Deathnote. Rem went down to the Human World to give Misa the Deathnote, and to help guide her on her way. She doesn't like humans very much, but she cares for Misa because of an incident that had happened. Rem wanted to give Misa the Deathnote because she felt she owed it to Gelus, another Shinigami who had fallen in love with Misa.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Continuing on the Deathnote character post series, today's is about Misa Amane. Misa is a famous model, and she is also a Deathnote owner. She traded half of her remaining life for the Shinigami eyes, and is considered to be the 2nd Kira. Misa has an infatuation for Light, even when he doesn't return her feelings. She is often called Misa Misa, and she has a dark but bubbly personality. The Shinigami attached to her Deathnote is named Rem. She also dresses in the Gothic Lolita styled clothes.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Apparently, I'm doing a small Deathnote character series of posts. So, today's will be about Ryuk from Deathnote. Ryuk is a Shinigami, and he is attached to Light's Deathnote. He has an obsession for apples, and he travels around with Light. He can only be seen by the owner of the Deathnote, and anyone who touches it. He has an interesting sense of humor, and had dropped the Deathnote into the human world because he was bored.

Monday, October 3, 2016

The post for today is about L from Deathnote. L is usually called Ryuzaki by the police force members to keep his identity a secret. L also speaks in a monotone type voice most of the time. He is a famous detective, but doesn't appear to be so because of his disheveled appearance. He's very intelligent, and thinks through every possibility. He even sometimes takes drastic measures to prove his point and get his answer. He is an insomniac, and somewhat of an introvert. He also prefers to have bare feet, and he sits in an odd manner.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Today's post is about Light Yagami from Deathnote. Light is one of the main characters, and the owner of the Deathnote. The Shinigami attached to the Deathnote is named Ryuk, and he is almost always with Light. Light is very smart, and thinks everything through logically. He also wants to rid the world of crime and injustice. He always has good grades in school, and uses his intellect to his advantage.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

This post is about Kaito. Kaito is personally my favorite Vocaloid. He is also owned by Crypton Future Media. He can speak English and Japanese. His fans often call him Kaito Shion, but Shion is not an official part of his name. His item is ice cream, and he doesn't have an official age. But, his fans say he's about 20. He is in the Project Diva games (along with Miku, Rin, and Len), too. One of his songs is Warm Kaito, which Halyosy made for his 10th anniversary. Here is the link for his song: