Thursday, April 27, 2017

Today's blog post is about Makoto Takiya from the show Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid. Takiya is a friend of Kobayashi's, and he is also her coworker. Takiya is a closet Otaku. He likes playing video games and watching Anime, and he also likes maid stuff, which is an interest he shares with Kobayashi. He is Fafnir's roommate as well. He shares his love of video games and Anime with Fafnir, which is one of the reasons they get along so well. Takiya is good-natured and kind, too. However, he can get quite loud when he is expressing his thoughts about his interests, especially when he is arguing with Kobayashi about maid stuff. When he is at home or talking about maid stuff with Kobayashi, Takiya also gains a pair of glasses and buck teeth, too.

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