Friday, May 31, 2019

It's post time! Today's blog post will be about the Pokemon Florges. Florges is a fairy-type Pokemon, and it is the evolution of Flabebe and Floette. This Pokemon gains its power from basking in the energy that is emitted by flowering plants. Because of this, Florges will often claim exquisite flower gardens as its territory. It is said that governors of castles used to invite this Pokemon to create flower gardens in order to embellish their domains in the past. Florges can also control the flowers it grows, and the petal blizzards it triggers are said to be overwhelming in both beauty and power. Its life can span over hundreds of years as well, and it is rumored to spend its entire life protecting its precious flower gardens. Florges itself can come in up to five different colors too, and it can be found in either red, blue, yellow, orange, or white. As always, I will be including a picture of Florges below so you guys can see what it looks like. However, I will only be including a picture of its red version to make things simpler. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Why does love kill Shinigami in Death Note? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! There may be a few spoilers in this post though, so proceed with caution! Now then, on with the post! Although it is stated that a Shinigami dies by killing someone else in order to protect a human they love, it's never really explained why this is. So, why does love kill a Shinigami? First of all, it's not really the love that kills a Shinigami. Instead, it's the act of prolonging a human's life that was supposed to end. Because of this, I believe a Shinigami dies because the human needs a new lifespan after theirs runs out. So to balance this out, the Shinigami's lifespan will be added onto the human's life, causing the Shinigami to perish. This is also why this is the only known way to kill a Shinigami, since the Shinigami will keep their lifespan in any other deadly situation. So in sacrificing themself, whether intentionally or not, the Shinigami is actually just transferring their remaining lifespan to the human who's lifespan had run out. This is shown when Rem is explaining the way of killing a Shinigami to Misa, since she says that Misa's life was extended long past even a normal human's lifespan. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic anyways. Nonetheless, I hope you guys still enjoyed this blog post! As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Misa below. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Is Beyond Birthday part Shinigami? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! There may be a few spoilers for Death Note: Another Note: The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases in this post though, so proceed with caution! Now then, on with the post! So, could Beyond Birthday actually be part Shinigami? Although this may seem like an odd thing to talk about, it actually does have some proof to support it. The first piece of evidence is the most well-known one, since it says it in the beginning of the book. First of all, Beyond Birthday was born with Shinigami eyes. It is unknown how this happened, but Mello mentions the possibility of a Shinigami accidentally dropping its eyes into the Human World instead of a Death Note. However, I personally think this is rather unlikely. But, this isn't the only thing that points to him being part Shinigami either. In the book, Beyond Birthday is shown to like eating jam. Although this in itself isn't weird, he seems to crave jam too. He even stored multiple jars of it in the fridges of his victims. This is similar to how Ryuk has a craving for apples after he ate one in the Human World. He also has an odd tendency to crawl around on the floor on all fours, and his laugh is said to sound like a Shinigami's laugh in the book. Because of this, I think there is a good possibility of Beyond Birthday being part Shinigami. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic anyways. Nonetheless, I hope you guys still enjoyed this blog post! Since there are no official pictures of Beyond Birthday available, I will be including a picture of Ryuk with an apple below instead. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

What does Beyond Birthday from Death Note actually look like? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! There may be a few spoilers for the light novel Death Note: Another Note: The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases in this post though, so proceed with caution! Now then, on with the post! So, what does Beyond Birthday actually look like? Although his true appearance was never outright stated in the book, there are some clues as to what he might look like. First of all, it says that he had to put on thick make-up in order to make himself look like L. But, this was just to match L's skin tone and the bags under his eyes. It was never stated whether Beyond Birthday wore contacts or died his hair or not either, so he most likely had eyes and hair that were the same color as L's. Although most people depict him with red eyes in fan art because of his Shinigami eyes, he wouldn't actually have red eyes if someone else saw him. This is because humans can't see if other humans have Shinigami eyes or not. Along with this, many people believe the other person in the artwork from the book is actually Beyond Birthday and not L. This is because it would be unlikely for it to show two protagonists instead of one protagonist and one antagonist. This theory is further supported by the fact that there is a letter B that seperates Naomi Misora and the other character. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. It's hard to say if we'll ever get to know what Beyond Birthday looks like as well, since it's been quite a while since the book came out.  Nonetheless, I hope you guys still enjoyed this blog post! As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of the official artwork from the book below. Enjoy!

Monday, May 27, 2019

It's time for a new post! The blog post for today will be about Mahiru Shirota from Servamp. Mahiru is an Eve, and he is one of the main characters. His Servamp is Kuro as well. Mahiru has been shown to like simple things, and he often takes the simplest route in life because of this. He also dislikes complicated things for the same reason. Along with this, he tends to be independent. Because of this, he will often take on the tasks other people don't want just to make things simpler for everyone. Mahiru is shown to be quite mature as well, and he usually knows exactly what to say to make others feel better. But, he can also have a short temper. This means he has a tendency to raise his voice when he's irritated or annoyed by something. As always, I will be including a picture of Mahiru below so you guys can see what he looks like. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Was the Pokemon Kangaskhan supposed to have an evolution? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! First of all, Kangaskhan currently doesn't have any evolutions. But, was it supposed to have one? Although an evolution probably wouldn't make much sense for this Pokemon, a pre-evolution would make much more sense compared to what we have right now. Since Kangaskhan is always seen with a baby in its pouch, it doesn't make sense for it to not have a pre-evolution. It makes even less sense when a lack of a pre-evolution for Kangaskhan means it can be hatched from an egg with a baby already in its pouch. Along with this, a few of its Pokedex entries state that its baby will leave its mother after three years. Despite this, Kangaskhan is always shown to have a baby in its pouch. Kangaskhan has been shown without a baby in its pouch during Mega Evolution as well, in which case the baby will also Mega Evolve during the battle, and then return to its mother's pouch afterwards. Because of this, many people think it would make much more sense for Kangaskhan to have a pre-evolution. Especially since it doesn't make very much sense for it to always have a baby in its pouch. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you guys enjoyed this blog post! As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Kangaskhan below. Enjoy!

Saturday, May 25, 2019

It's post time! Today's blog post will be about the Pokemon Spritzee. Spritzee is a fairy-type Pokemon, and it is the pre-evolution of the Pokemon Aromatisse. This Pokemon has the ability to emit a pleasant scent that enraptures anyone who smells it. Along with this, the smell it emits will change depending on what kind of food it has eaten. Instead of using perfume, royal women of the past would carry around a Spritzee that emitted a fragrance they liked. Because of this, Spritzee is known as the Perfume Pokemon. As always, I will be including a picture of Spritzee below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Friday, May 24, 2019

Will Eevee be getting a new evolution in Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Although there hasn't been any new information about the newest Pokemon games so far, many people have already started talking about the possibility of one or more new Eeveelutions. Since Eevee is the evolution Pokemon, the odds of us getting a new Eeveelution are actually quite good. But, it's been a while since a new Eeveelution was introduced. There are also quite a few Pokemon types that Eevee doesn't have an evolution for, so it would make many fans happy to see a new Eeveelution. Especially since fans have been speculating on what Eevee would evolve into for the other Pokemon types for quite some time. Along with this, the past few Eeveelutions were introduced in even-numbered generations. Since the newest Pokemon games will be the start of Generation 8, many fans think this means at least one new Eeveelution will be introduced. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic anyways. Nonetheless, I hope you guys still enjoyed this blog post! As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of the current Eeveelutions below. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 23, 2019

What time is it? Post time! The blog post for today will be about Tsubaki from Servamp. Tsubaki is a Servamp, and his animal form is a two-tailed fox. He is also the Servamp of melancholy. Tsubaki has a rather strange sense of humor. He will often laugh at things randomly, and then find them boring just a few seconds later. He can also be quite merciless as well, and he has no problem with killing innocent humans just because he doesn't like them. However, he has another side to him too. He actually cares for his subclass vampires a lot, and he seems to be able to empathize with people who are in a similar situation to his own. As always, I will be including a picture of Tsubaki and his animal form below so you guys can see what he looks like. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

What's up with The Ssum? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! For those of you who don't know, The Ssum is the latest project from Cheritz. However, it was supposed to be released at around this time last year. But ever since their announcement of the app release being postponed, there hasn't been any mention of this ambitious app. The Ssum was meant to be an app that allowed the player to talk to the character Teo on a daily basis. The app was supposed to allow real-time chats and phone calls with no ending period. But right before the release of the app, Cheritz announced that the release was going to be postponed so they could stabilize the app more before they released it. Although this is understandable, that still doesn't explain why there hasn't been any word on it since. There is only a beta version of the game available right now as well, so many people who were looking forward to The Ssum were very disappointed. It's hard to say if we will ever get any more information on the progress of The Ssum right now, but hopefully it isn't left as a beta version forever. Especially since people seemed to enjoy what they have of the game so far. As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Teo below so you guys can see what he looks like. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Is Zen from Mystic messenger an albino? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! There may be some spoilers in this post though, so proceed with caution! Now then, on with the post! So, is Zen an albino? A lot of people have talked about this before, but it's hard to say if he actually is one or not. First of all, no one in the game has ever mentioned him being an albino thus far. Along with this, silver hair and red eyes are actually pretty common in anime. It's unclear if his silver hair and red eyes came from one of his parents or not too, since they haven't been shown in the game. However, his older brother was shown to have dark brown hair in one of the pictures from Zen's route. But aside from his appearance, Zen hasn't been shown to have any other characteristics of an albino. Because of this, many people think he isn't an albino. It doesn't seem to be unusual amongst the other RFA members either. For example, a few of the RFA members have commented on V's hair color before, but they haven't even really mentioned Zen's natural hair or eye color. These are mostly just my thoughts on this topic though. As for if Zen really is an albino or not, we won't know this for sure unless Cheritz confirms or denies it themselves. Nonetheless, I hope you guys still enjoyed this blog post! As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Zen below. Enjoy!

Monday, May 20, 2019

It's blog post time! Today's blog post will be about Licht Jekylland Todoroki from Servamp. Licht is an Eve, and his Servamp is Lawless. Licht thinks of himself as an angel, and he genuinely believes this. He holds a hatred for vampires because of this, and he just thinks of them as demons. He has a short temper when it comes to vampires as well, and he usually attacks first without even thinking about it. Despite this, he does have a soft spot for animals. He likes them very much, and it was the reason he picked Lawless (in his hedgehog form) up in the first place. Licht can also be childish and naive at times as well, but there are also times where he fully understands the situation at hand. As always, I will be including a picture of Licht below so you guys can see what he looks like. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 19, 2019

It's time to post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about Lawless from Servamp. Lawless is a Servamp, and his Eve is Licht Jekylland Todoroki. Lawless also goes by Hyde as well, and his animal form is a hedgehog. He is the Servamp of greed too. Because of this, he can be rather selfish at times. Lawless is a strong Servamp, but he can also be emotional. He has shown to be energetic too, and he can be a bit obnoxious. He quotes Shakespeare often as well, and he enjoys poking fun at others. Despite this, he also has a rather cruel side. When he gets bored of his current Eve, he has a tendency to kill them. As always, I will be including a picture of Lawless and his animal form below so you guys can see what he looks like. Enjoy!

Saturday, May 18, 2019

It's time for yet another new blog post! The blog post for today will be about the Pokemon Gothita. Gothita is a psychic-type Pokemon, and it is the pre-evolution of both Gothorita and Gothitelle. The ribbon-like feelers on this Pokemon's head have the ability to increase its psychic power. Gothita is always looking at something as well. They spend most of their time intently staring at trainers and other Pokemon. Apparently, this is because Gothita is seeing something that only it can see. Along with this, it can sometimes become so obsessed with watching something that it doesn't even notice oncoming attacks. As always, I will be including a picture of Gothita below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Friday, May 17, 2019

Is the MC from Mystic Messenger a bad person? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! There may be a few spoilers in this post though, so proceed with caution! Now then, on with the post! So, is the MC a bad person? Although her personality is determined by the player, she does have some of her own personality too. It's up to the player to choose the right choices, but why are there so many wrong choices to begin with? There are way more bad endings than good endings, and there are tons of ways to mess up a route. I know this is to throw the player off, but it may also be showing parts of the MC's personality. Even when you're trying to compliment a certain character, you may end up insulting one of the other characters in the process. But why is this? Why are there so many ways to let down the characters of Mystic Messenger? Although the player has the ability to make the MC into a good person, all of these rude and mean options could be because the MC usually isn't a very good person. Because of this, the MC probably needs the player's help when she talks to the other characters so she doesn't say the wrong thing. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you guys still enjoyed this blog post! As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of the MC with Jaehee below. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

It's post time! Today's blog post will be about the Pokemon Gothorita. Gothorita is a psychic-type Pokemon, and it is the evolution of Gothita. It is also the pre-evolution of the Pokemon Gothitelle. This Pokemon has the ability to use hypnosis to control people and other Pokemon. Stories of this Pokemon leading people astray are told in every corner as well. Many old tales even say that Gothorita will control sleeping children on starry nights in an effort to make friends for itself. Gothorita also uses starlight as the source of its power. Along with this, Gothorita will mark star positions at night by floating stones with its psychic power. As always, I will be including a picture of Gothorita below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

There's a new Mystic Messenger event going on! But since I found this a bit late, there's only a few days left to enter! The event going on right now is for Children's Day. Because of this, this event centers around what you guys think the Mystic Messenger characters did on their Children's Days growing up. You can share what you think the characters did in their childhood on Twitter and Tumblr, and what you enter is up to you! You can draw a picture, or you could even pretend to be one of the characters and write a fake diary entry. It doesn't matter if you choose to draw a poorly drawn doodle or a well-thought out picture either, since both are welcome in this contest! This event will be going on until May 20th too, so you better hurry if you want to enter! As for the prize, there will be one random badge set, one random set of Mystic Messenger chat bubble sticky notes, and one bag of Korean Honey Butter Chips. Along with this, there will be six winners in total. If you choose to do a diary entry with a picture, there is a template for the contest available on Cheritz's Tumblr page. I will also be including one down below as well, and I will be including the event hashtag below. I will be including the link for the Tumblr announcement down below as well. Enjoy!

The Mystic Messenger event hashtag: #MM_Childhood

The official Tumblr announcement:

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

New day, new post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the Pokemon Decidueye. Decidueye is a grass/ghost-type Pokemon, and it is the evolution of Rowlet and Dartrix. This Pokemon has the ability to fire arrow quills with its wings. Along with this, it has amazing aim and accuracy. It can also hit a target from more than half a mile or more away, and it can easily move around while masking its presence from others. Decidueye can pluck and shoot a quill in a tenth of a second as well. Although this Pokemon usually acts quite cool and cautious, it will become flustered and seize up in a panic if it is caught by surprise. As always, I will be including a picture of Decidueye below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Monday, May 13, 2019

Let's talk about Mega Absol! Although I have already done a post about the Pokemon Absol in the past, there are a few differences between its normal and Mega forms. The main difference between them is their appearance. Mega Absol's fur is much fluffier than its normal form, and it even has fluffy "wings" on its back. But, these aren't actual wings. It's just fur. Because of this, Mega Absol can't fly. These wings are actually because of Absol's fur bristling from the energy of Mega Evolution as well. When Mega Absol whips this wing-like fur, it sends an intimidating aura flying at its opponents. It also converts the energy from Mega Evolution into an intimidating aura too. However, this aura it creates can cause fainthearted people to die from the shock of seeing it. Despite this, Absol normally doesn't like to fight. It really hates changing into this new form because of it. Much like its normal form, Mega Absol is still a dark-type Pokemon. As always, I will be including a picture of Mega Absol below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 12, 2019

It's time to post! Today's blog post will be about the Pokemon Jellicent. Jellicent is a water/ghost-type Pokemon, and it is the evolution of the Pokemon Frillish. This Pokemon is made mostly of seawater, and it can propel itself forward by using some of its absorbed seawater. Much like its pre-evolution, the colors of Jellicent are gender-specific. Because of this, the male ones are blue, and the female ones are pink. However, Jellicent shares Frillish's dangerous nature as well. For example, it is said that there is a castle of ships on the seafloor that Jellicent sunk for drifting into its territory. Their favorite food is said to be life energy too. Because of this, fishermen are terrified of running into a Jellicent. As always, I will be including a picture of both forms of Jellicent below so you guys can see what they look like. Enjoy!

Saturday, May 11, 2019

It's new post time! The blog post for today will be about the Pokemon Frillish. Frillish is a water/ghost-type Pokemon, and it is the pre-evolution of Jellicent. Unlike most other Pokemon, this Pokemon actually has a distinct difference between its male and female forms. Although there are small differences in their overall designs, the main difference between them is their color. The male Frillish is blue, and the female Frillish is pink. But despite its pretty appearance, this Pokemon is actually quite dangerous. Frillish has the ability to paralyze its prey with poison. Once their prey has been paralyzed, it wraps it up with its veil-like arms and drags it to its lair, which lies five miles below the water's surface. It is said that any prey it drags to its lair will never be seen again. As always, I will be including a picture of the male and female forms of Frillish below so you guys can see what they look like. Enjoy!

Friday, May 10, 2019

Why does Sasori make puppets out of people in Naruto? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! There will obviously be spoilers in this post though, so proceed with caution! Now then, on with the post! So, I'm sure by now it's pretty much common knowledge in the fandom that Sasori's puppets are made from people who were alive at one point in time. But, why does he do this? This is quite the odd and creepy thing to do, but he actually had a purpose for doing this. Unlike the normal puppets other puppet master jutsu users use, puppets that were once human retain some of their chakra from when they were alive. Because of this, they can still use their special jutsu techniques long after death. Along with this, Sasori also holds the belief that art was meant to be eternal. So, his human puppets were made to last forever. In fact, he felt so strongly about this that he eventually turned himself into a puppet as well. He himself gained a sort of immortality because of this too. Although there is a weak spot in his own puppet design, his other human puppets were made to be quite strong and formidable in battle. But, these are just some of  my thoughts on this topic anyways. Nonetheless, I hope you guys still enjoyed this blog post! As a little bonus, I will also be including a random picture of Sasori below. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Why do almost all of the characters in the Naruto series wear ninja shoes? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! There may be a few minor spoilers though, so proceed with caution! Now then, on with the post! So, why do almost all of the characters wear ninja shoes? Even the background characters in the villages are usually wearing these unique shoes, even when they're not ninjas. Ninjas may wear these shoes because they are easy to put on and are well ventilated, but that doesn't explain why the villagers wear them. It isn't because they are the only types of shoes in that universe either, because there have been a few characters wearing boots before. But, these shoes are actually like this because the creator of the series has stated that he just likes drawing toes. As for an in-world explanation, it may just be because these shoes are the most popular and easily-accessible shoes in that world. These odd shoes are actually quite unique as well, which also makes it very easy for people to tell which series they come from. However, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic anyways. Nonetheless, I hope you guys still enjoyed this blog post! As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of these ninja shoes below so you guys can see what they look like. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Since I talked about Tako Luka yesterday, let's talk about Hachune Miku today! Hachune Miku is a very well-known derivative, and she has been officially recognized by Crypton Future Media. She even has some of her own merchandise as well. She actually appears quite frequently in the Project Diva games too. Hachune Miku is obviously derived from the official Vocaloid Hatsune Miku. However, she doesn't really speak, and she is more just based on Miku's design. She is said to have a silly and childish disposition as well, and she's about the size of a doll. She is usually seen with blank eyes and a gaping mouth too, but this isn't the only facial expression she has. As always, I will be including a picture of Hachune Miku below so you guys can see what she looks like. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

What is Tako Luka? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Tako Luka, or Octopus Luka, is actually a derivative of the official Vocaloid Megurine Luka. However, she isn't exactly like other derivatives. Tako Luka is actually just based on Luka, and she looks much more like an octopus. She has been officially recognized by Crypton Future Media as well, and she also appears in the Project Diva games. She is one of the most well-known derivatives too, and she even has some of her own merchandise. Oddly enough, Tako Luka was inspired by Luka's hair. The creator of Tako Luka ended up creating her because he thought Luka's hair reminded him of an octopus. As always, I will be including a picture of Tako Luka below so you guys can see what she looks like. Enjoy!

Monday, May 6, 2019

New day, new post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about Misono Alicein from Servamp. Misono is an Eve, and his Servamp is Snow Lily. Although Misono seems rather cold, uncaring, and arrogant at first, he actually cares about his friends very much. Because of this, he cherishes every friendship he makes. He also worries about his friends a lot, and he wants to get stronger so he can protect them. However, he can also be a bit childish at times. For example, he can't stay awake past 9 or 10 o'clock at night, even though he's 15 years old. Because of this, he usually falls asleep as soon as it's that time of night. He has a weak constitution as well, and he often has to sit down at random times because of it. As always, I will be including a picture of Misono below so you guys can see what he looks like. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 5, 2019

It's new post time! The blog post for today will be about the Pokemon Haunter. Haunter is a ghost/poison-type Pokemon, and it is the evolution of Gastly. It is also the pre-evolution of Gengar. This Pokemon is actually quite dangerous, and you should never approach it if it beckons you. If anyone gets too close to it, it will try to lick them with its tongue. If Haunter successfully licks you, your life force will be zapped away. Any victim of Haunter's dangerous lick will shake uncontrollably until they eventually meet their end. Haunter can often be found lurking in the darkness as well, and it actually enjoys hiding in the dark and tapping on the shoulders of unsuspecting people. It spends a lot of time waiting for and stalking its next victim too. As always, I will be including a picture of Haunter below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Saturday, May 4, 2019

3, 2, 1, post time! Today's blog post will be about Hugh from Servamp. Hugh is a Servamp, and his Eve gave him the name Hugh. His real name is Old Child. Hugh is actually the smallest Servamp as well, and his animal form is a bat. Despite being one of the older Servamps, Hugh is actually quite childish. However, he actually acts more like a traditional vampire as opposed to the others. Hugh wears clothes similar to clothes a vampire is usually shown to wear, and he says that he actually likes the taste of blood. His animal form is even a bat, which is usually what vampires are said to turn into. However, Hugh looks very much like a child. This is especially true when he's compared to the other Servamps. As always, I will be including a picture of Hugh and his animal form below so you guys can see what he looks like. Enjoy!

Friday, May 3, 2019

It's blog post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the Pokemon Musharna. Musharna is a psychic-type Pokemon, and it is the evolution of Munna. This Pokemon has mist coming from its forehead, and this strange mist is packed full of the dreams of people and Pokemon. Much like its pre-evolution, Musharna can also eat dreams. Along with this, the mist coming from its forehead can change into many different colors depending on what kind of dream Musharna has eaten. Musharna is often seen curled up as well, and it is categorized as the Drowsing Pokemon. Oddly enough, it shares this category with the Pokemon Komala. As always, I will be including a picture of Musharna below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 2, 2019

What time is it? It's post time! The blog post for today will be about Doubt Doubt from Servamp. Doubt Doubt is a Servamp, and his animal form is a black snake. The name his Eve gave him is Jeje as well. Doubt Doubt also represents the sin of envy, and he wears a paper bag over his face. He has two smaller paper bags with drawn-on faces stacked up on the first one too. Because his face is always covered up, his real face is almost never shown. Doubt Doubt is shown to be a calm and quiet individual, and he doesn't speak very often. However, he does get angry when his Eve doesn't let him drink his blood like he said he would. As always, I will be including a picture of Doubt Doubt and his animal form below so you guys can see what he looks like. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

New day, new post! Today's blog post will be about Kuro from Servamp. Kuro is a Servamp, and his eve is Mahiru Shirota. He is also one of the main characters. Much like the other Servamps, Kuro has an animal form. His animal form is a black cat. Kuro represents the sin of sloth as well. Kuro is a very laid back and lazy person, and he spends most of his time lazing around and playing video games. He prefers to spend his time inside too, and he likes eating snacks. He doesn't like getting into fights either, and he would rather just run away when he can. He likes his animal form very much as well, and he often calls himself cute when he's in his cat form. As always, I will be including a picture of Kuro below so you guys can see what he looks like. Since Kuro has two forms, I will also be including a picture of his cat form below as well. Enjoy!