Thursday, May 23, 2019

What time is it? Post time! The blog post for today will be about Tsubaki from Servamp. Tsubaki is a Servamp, and his animal form is a two-tailed fox. He is also the Servamp of melancholy. Tsubaki has a rather strange sense of humor. He will often laugh at things randomly, and then find them boring just a few seconds later. He can also be quite merciless as well, and he has no problem with killing innocent humans just because he doesn't like them. However, he has another side to him too. He actually cares for his subclass vampires a lot, and he seems to be able to empathize with people who are in a similar situation to his own. As always, I will be including a picture of Tsubaki and his animal form below so you guys can see what he looks like. Enjoy!

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