Thursday, February 16, 2017

Hey hey everyone! Today's blog post is about Akito Hiyama from the Vocaloid band Ice Mountain. Akito is the guitarist for the band, and he is 22 years old. He has also been Kiyoteru's friend since Elementary school. He is also the one who thought of starting a band with Kiyoteru, and Akito even thought up the name for the band. He is good-hearted, and he can easily be moved to tears. He also likes picking on Kiyoteru, and bullying Natsuki. He had initially mistaken Natsuki for a girl, and he had tried to ask him out when he met him in college. Unfortunately, it ended up as a bitter experience which traumatized him, making it hard for him to ask out girls. He works for his father at the Green-Grocer, too. He even took over the store for a year while his father was bed-ridden.

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