Monday, February 20, 2017

Today's blog post is about Haruto Amane from the Vocaloid band Ice Mountain. Haruto is the keyboardist of Ice Mountain. He is kind, but can sometimes come off as cold. He can also be quite airheaded. When he was young, he was confirmed to be intelectually gifted, so he was sent to a school in America for gifted children. After he graduated, he returned to Japan. He later became a teacher of grade 6 class 2 at the Hachigata-jou Minami Primary school. He is also in charge of music education. He can harmonize with plants and animals, and he was born with the ability to perceive a person's true nature. He was interested in joining Ice Mountain because he was intrigued by Kiyoteru, whose nature he hasn't quite perceived yet. He is very close with his mother, and she is part of the reason he wanted to learn piano. He is also blonde, despite his parents being Japanese.

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