Monday, July 31, 2017

Today's blog post will be about Pyukumuku from the show Pokemon. Pyukumuku is a water type Pokemon from the Alola region. Because of its appearance and lifestyle, this Pokemon is considered unattractive to tourists. Part time jobs throwing the Pyukumuku back into the sea are often available at tourist beaches, too. However, it usually just comes back to the same spot, no matter how far they're thrown. If this Pokemon finds a place it likes it will stay there, even if it runs out of food. Because of this, the people of Alola developed a tradition of throwing the thin Pyukumuku back into the ocean so it has enough food to eat.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

The blog post for today is about Komala from the show Pokemon. Komala is a normal type Pokemon from the Alola region. Nobody has ever seen a Komala awake. It does everything while it's sleeping. This Pokemon clings to a log pillow. This log pillow was given to it by its parents. It almost never lets go of its log. If it does drop it, Komala can't sleep well, causing it to thrash around. Sometimes it will even cling to the arm of a trainer it trusts. It is said that if a person takes a little bit of Komala's saliva after it eats leaves and waters it down, it can be drank as a medicine for the sick or sleepless.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Today's blog post will be about Zen from the Mystic Messenger app. Zen is one of the main characters, and he is also one of the characters with an available route. Zen works as a musical actor. He likes exercising and playing the piano. But, he also likes smoking. He also tends to have a narcissistic personality, as well. He has a weakness for women too, but he values loyalty more than riches. He can also be a workaholic. He is also very allergic to cats, and he even starts sneezing if he just sees a cat's picture.

Friday, July 28, 2017

The blog post for today is about Bounsweet from the show Pokemon. Bounsweet is a grass type Pokemon. It can evolve into Steenee, and then into Tsareena. Bounsweet has the ability to emit a sweet smell. This fragrance has a soothing effect on humans, so a lot of people in the Alola region let them live in their house. However, the fragrance also attracts other Pokemon, which sometimes eat it whole. Since it bounces along the ground while fleeing from danger, people don't notice that it's running away. Because of this, people don't usually come to its aid. It can defend itself with the calyx on its head, but this usually causes Bounsweet to become dizzy.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

What time is it? Well, it's time for a new post, of course! Today's blog post is about Yoosung from the Mystic Messenger app. Yoosung is one of the main characters, and he is also one of the characters with an available route. He is a college student, but he's not interested in studying at school. He also loves playing an online game called LOLOL. He likes cooking and volunteering, too. However, Yoosung is very gullible, and he often falls for 707's pranks. He is also quite naive. Yoosung is usually very nice, as well.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Today's blog post is about 707 from the Mystic Messenger app. 707 is one of the main characters, and he is also one of the characters with an available route. He is a hacker, and he's very good with computers. He likes cars, math, and potato chips. He also seems to be quite fond of PhD. Pepper and Honey Buddha Chips (a.k.a. Dr. Pepper and Honey Butter Chips in real life). He is quite unpredictable, as well. Sometimes he even uses incomprehensible words. While in the chatroom, 707 also tends to use the phrase "LOL" and make jokes often.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

The blog post for today is about both the Midday and the Midnight forms of Lycanroc from the show Pokemon. Both of these forms are rock type Pokemon, and they are both the final evolution for Rockruff. Rockruff can evolve into either the Midday or the Midnight form of Lycanroc depending on which time of day it is when it evolves. Despite them both being Lycanroc, these two forms are actually quite different. For example, the Midday form will follow its trainer's orders dutifully, where as the Midnight form will get angry if their trainer tells them to do something they don't agree with. Another difference is how the Midday form walks on all fours, where as the Midnight form usually stands on two legs. There are many other differences between these two forms of Lycanroc as well, despite the fact they are both the evolved form of Rockruff.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Today's blog post will be about Rockruff from the show Pokemon. Rockruff is a rock type Pokemon. It can evolve into either the Midday or the Midnight form of Lycanroc. This Pokemon greets others by rubbing the rocks around its neck against the other's rocks, but this may be a bit painful for its trainer. Rockruff also has an incredible sense of smell, and it never forgets any scent it smells. If Rockruff starts howling at the moon at night, it's a sign that Rockruff is going to evolve. It is said that Rockruff will leave its trainer when it's time for it to evolve, and it won't come back until it is finished evolving.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Today's blog post is about the Mystic Messenger app. I know I'm a bit late for this trend, but it's still popular. Right? Anyways, on with the post! Mystic Messenger is a free otome game for cellphones. It centers around a party planning company called the RFA. The characters in the game are you (as the MC), Jumin Han, Zen, 707, Yoosung, Jaehee Kang, Rika, and V. There is also a character known only as Unknown. There are multiple routes, and the choices you make in each route affects your relationship with the other characters. In this app, the characters have the ability to message you and call you. Currently, the available routes are for Jumin Han, Zen, 707, Yoosung, and Jaehee Kang.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

The blog post for today is about Tapu Koko from the show Pokemon. Tapu Koko is an electric/fairy type Pokemon. It is a special Pokemon that is known as the guardian deity of Melemele island. This is because it protects the area it lives in. However, Tapu Koko is a picky Pokemon, and it won't always come to your aid if you need help. This is also a very curious Pokemon. If it becomes interested in a person or another Pokemon, it might come to battle or play with them. Tapu Koko can also protect itself with the big shields on its arms, as well.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Today's blog post is about Comfey from the show Pokemon. Comfey is a fairy type Pokemon from the Alola region. This Pokemon can often be seen in Alolan Pokecenters and hospitals because of its soothing flower rings. Comfey picks flowers and carries them around with it. It then makes a ring out of the flowers and spreads oil from its body on them. This oil changes the aroma of the flowers, causing them to emit a soothing fragrance. Comfey also has a habit of giving these flower rings to people it is fond of. The aroma from these flower rings have the power to soothe itself and its allies, as well.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Today's blog post will be about the Utauloid Lumi. Lumi is from a series of Utauloids called Hoodieloids. She is also the official duet partner for Kageasa. She has a twin sister named Kamirei, as well. Lumi is 16 years old, and her character item is a strawberry. She is kind of a hyper and noisy girl, and she is also a tsundere. She loves her twin sister very much, and she is jealous of Himeka because her sister likes her so much. Lumi also enjoys drawing and singing. If you want to hear her, here is a link to a song sung by Lumi:

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Today's blog post will be about Flareon from the show Pokemon. Flareon is a fire type Pokemon, and it is also one of the eight available evolutions for Eevee. This Pokemon has fluffy fur on its head, tail, and neck. This extra fur actually serves a purpose. The extra fur releases heat into the air so Flareon's body doesn't get too hot. This is actually quite useful, since Flareon's body temperature can reach up to a maximum of 1,650 degrees Fahrenheit.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The blog post for today will be about Umbreon from the show Pokemon. Umbreon is a dark type Pokemon, and it is also one of the eight available evolutions for Eevee. Umbreon's evolution was caused by exposure to the moon's waves. This Pokemon will quietly wait in the shadows until it's time to attack. When it does leap out to attack, the rings on its body will glow. Various Umbreon have also made some appearances in the Pokemon Anime, as well.

Monday, July 17, 2017

The blog post for today is about the Utauloid Kageasa. Kageasa was created by Rin Veey Geneticist. Although he may not be as popular as some of the other Utauloids, Kageasa does still have some popularity. He is 16 years old, and his character item is a ring he wears on a necklace. He also enjoys singing alone. He sometimes has low self esteem, which occasionally discourages him from singing on stage. He likes teasing people too, and he picks on them when he's bored. But, he hits people if he gets annoyed with them. He is also part of an Utauloid series called Hoodieloids, as well. Here is a link to a song (which is Kagerou Daze) sung by Kageasa:

Sunday, July 16, 2017

This blog post is about Litten from the show Pokemon. Litten is a fire type Pokemon, and it, along with Rowlet and Popplio, is one of the three available starter Pokemon for the game Pokemon Sun And Moon. Litten can also evolve into Torracat, and then into Incineroar. Litten is a cool-headed Pokemon who doesn't usually show its emotions. It can also attack using a flaming hair ball. Since its fur is rich with oils and highly flammable, Litten grooms itself by licking its fur. Then, it uses the collected fur as fuel for its attack. When it's time for Litten to shed its old fur, it simply burns up in a glorious blaze.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Well, it's time for another post! This blog post is about Popplio from the show Pokemon. Popplio, along with Rowlet and Litten, is one of the three available starter Pokemon in the game Pokemon Sun And Moon. Popplio is also a water type Pokemon. It can evolve into Brionne, and then Primarina, too. Popplio has the ability to make big elastic water bubbles, as well. It uses these bubbles to perform acrobatic stunts and jumps while on land. This is because it moves easier in the water than it does on land. Popplio is also a very determined Pokemon, and it can often be found practicing its balloon skills.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Today's blog post is about Dartrix from the show Pokemon. Dartrix is a grass/flying type Pokemon. It is also the evolved form of Rowlet, and it can evolve into Decidueye. Dartrix often has a snobbish personality, and it cares greatly about its appearance. It grooms its feathers every chance it gets. If Dartrix has dirty or ruffled feathers, it can't focus, even during a battle. If it loses focus, Dartrix will sometimes even retire from a battle! Dartrix also has razor sharp feathers inside of its wings. These feathers can be sent flying to attack Dartrix's enemies, and Dartrix can even bend the feathers to change the feather's trajectory. If Dartrix's trainer can help it get past worrying about its appearance, Dartrix can actually end up being a strong Pokemon.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

The blog post for today is about Sylveon from the show Pokemon. Sylveon is a fairy type Pokemon, and it is also one of the possible Eevee evolutions. Sylveon has ribbon-like feelers, and they can wrap their feelers around their beloved trainer's arm while they're walking. It has two sets of feelers, both of which are attached to a bow on Sylveon's body. According to the Pokedex, Sylveon can also send out soothing auras to calm a fight. They usually love their trainer very much, too. Different Sylveon have also made various appearances in the Pokemon Anime.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Today's blog post will be about Blazion from the show Yokai Watch. Blazion is a fire attribute Yokai from the brave tribe. Blazion resembles a lion with fire for his mane. He also has a fiery personality, and he is very enthusiastic and determined about everything. When someone is inspirited by him, they also become very enthusiastic and fired up when it comes to doing anything, including chores. Unlike most of the other Yokai, Blazion also usually doesn't say anything. However, he can say a few words, as shown when he was inspirited by Noway.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Today's blog post is about Drizzelda from the show Yokai Watch. Drizzelda is a water attribute Yokai from the charming tribe. She often seems to be quite depressed, and she has low self esteem. When someone is inspirited by her, they share her personality. Drizzelda also brings rain with her wherever she goes, even if the forecast calls for sunshine. Because of this, she usually thinks negatively, since she knows the rain is her fault. However, when she is with the Yokai Ray O'Light, her rain causing powers are usually canceled out by his Yokai powers that bring the sun.

Monday, July 10, 2017

For today's blog post, I will be talking about Shadow Venoct and Illuminoct from the show Yokai Watch. Shadow Venoct and Illuminoct are very different from each other, and they are different versions of Venoct. To begin with, Shadow Venoct is a restoration attribute Yokai from the slippery tribe. It is said that he is Venoct's shadow. According to one of the recap time shorts, anyone who looks at him will disappear from this world. He also seems to like dark places. On the other hand, Illuminoct is a lightning attribute Yokai from the brave tribe. He is the light version of Venoct. Illuminoct also currently hasn't appeared in the Anime, where as Shadow Venoct has appeared in one episode so far.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Well, it looks like I haven't done a Yokai Watch post in quite a while. So for today's blog post, I will be talking about some of the cat Yokai from Yokai Watch. There are multiple different cat Yokai in the show Yokai Watch, including Jibanyan, Dracunyan, Goldenyan, and Robanyan, with the most popular one being Jibanyan. As you can tell, each of them have the word "nyan" in their name. This is because the Japanese word "nyan" is equivalent to the American word "meow". Other than this, each of the cat Yokai also have two tails. Or rather, one tail that is split into two tails. This is because they're actually based on a real cat Yokai from Japanese folklore. It's called Nekomata.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Alright guys, so I recently noticed that I posted my 300th blog post a few days ago. Pretty impressive, right? Anyways, I have also been watching a lot of a show called Gravity Falls (which is really great by the way). However, Gravity falls isn't actually an Anime. So, to both celebrate my 300th blog post, and to find a loop hole to be able to do a post about Gravity Falls on here, here are three examples of Anime references in the show Gravity Falls. Enjoy!

Well, this first one is obviously referencing the popular Anime dating sims. It's from the episode "Soos And The Real Girl".

With this next reference you can tell that Dipper and Wendy are drawn in the traditional Anime style after they go through a bubble of weirdness. This is from one of the "Weirdmageddon" episodes.

Although this last one might be a little harder to see, this is a picture of Wendy and Robbie drawn in the Anime style. It can be found in Robbie's room in the episode "The Love God".

Friday, July 7, 2017

The blog post for today will be about the movie Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Dark Side Of Dimensions. Now, I know I have done a blog post for this movie before, but this one should have some more information about it. So, it's really more of an update post. I'll try not to give away any spoilers, though. Now, on with the post! The movie Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Dark Side Of Dimensions is the newest Yu-Gi-Oh movie to date, and it was released in America on DVD and BluRay on June 27th, 2017. It features Yugi Muto and Seto Kaiba as the main characters of the movie as well. The English dubbed version also has all of the original voice actors, and the DVD also has the English subbed version on it. The movie follows it's own storyline as Yugi and his friends face a new evil set on revenge. The movie is an action movie with some drama and a little humor mixed in as well. As I am a Yu-Gi-Oh fan myself, I highly recommend you guys watch this movie.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Today's blog post will be about the Catbus from the movie My Neighbor Totoro. The Catbus is a minor character in the movie, as it usually only shows up when Totoro, Mei, or Satsuki needs transportation. The Catbus is a bus that looks like a giant cat with windows. It's eyes also act as headlights, and it has small white mice on it whose eyes act as smaller red lights. When someone needs to get into the Catbus, a window on its side drops down for a door. Other than saying the Catbus's next destination, the Catbus only meows. It is unknown if it's actually the Catbus saying its destination, or if it's the mice on the Catbus speaking.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Today's blog post will be about soot sprites (otherwise known as soot balls). If you guys watch Studio Ghibli movies, then you have probably seen soot sprites. They are in a couple Studio Ghibli movies, including My Neighbor Totoro and Spirited Away. Soot sprites are small black spirits with eyes that are made of soot. In My Neighbor Totoro, the soot sprites dwell in abandoned houses. If someone moves in, they watch them to see if they're nice people. If they are, then the soot sprites leave. In Spirited Away, the soot sprites help carry coal to the main fire for the bathhouse in exchange for small candies. Soot sprites are generally nice spirits, and they don't make any noise or say anything. However, they sometimes leave a black residue in their wake.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

It's time for yet another new post! As most of you may know, today is Independence Day, otherwise known as the 4th Of July. To help celebrate, here are some holiday themed Anime pictures I found. Enjoy, and have a Happy 4th Of July!
(By the way guys, just a little something I wanted to add. All of the pictures I have used thus far on my blog are pictures I found on Google. I do not own these pictures, and I give full credit to the talented artists who made these. Thanks!)

Monday, July 3, 2017

Today's blog post is about Rowlet from the show Pokemon. Rowlet is a grass/flying type Pokemon, and it's also one of the three starter Pokemon in the game Pokemon Sun And Moon. Rowlet was first introduced in the Alola region. It can also evolve into Dartrix, and then Decidueye. Rowlet can store energy through photosynthesis during the day, too. It's mainly active at night, as well. A Rowlet is also one of Ash's first, and main, Alolan Pokemon in the show Pokemon Sun And Moon.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

What exactly is chibi? Well, whether you do or don't know what chibi is, this blog post is here to tell you anyways! Now then, on to the explanation! Chibi is a form of Anime art style that is commonly used. The Japanese word chibi actually means small or short, which is why it's used to describe this form of art style. The word chibi is mainly used by Anime and manga fans, and it's actually a rather popular term in the community. If you want to see an example of the chibi art style yourself, here's a picture:

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Well, it's finally here. A new, longer, trailer for the upcoming Netflix Death Note live action movie. I must say, there is a lot of hate for this new trailer. But, that's to be expected when you mess with something that has a large fan base like Death Note. But, a lot of people are looking forward to it, too. The reason most people are upset with the new live action Death Note movie is because of how different this new Death Note is from the original Anime and manga. As far as I can tell from these short trailers, this new movie is going in a very different direction than the original Death Note series. The characters are different, some of their names have been changed, and the storyline seems to be going more for an action angle. But, it's hard to tell exactly what the new Death Note will be like from these trailers. So, we'll just have to wait for either a new trailer, or for the movie's release. If you want to see what the new trailer is like for yourself, here's the link for it: