Saturday, July 8, 2017

Alright guys, so I recently noticed that I posted my 300th blog post a few days ago. Pretty impressive, right? Anyways, I have also been watching a lot of a show called Gravity Falls (which is really great by the way). However, Gravity falls isn't actually an Anime. So, to both celebrate my 300th blog post, and to find a loop hole to be able to do a post about Gravity Falls on here, here are three examples of Anime references in the show Gravity Falls. Enjoy!

Well, this first one is obviously referencing the popular Anime dating sims. It's from the episode "Soos And The Real Girl".

With this next reference you can tell that Dipper and Wendy are drawn in the traditional Anime style after they go through a bubble of weirdness. This is from one of the "Weirdmageddon" episodes.

Although this last one might be a little harder to see, this is a picture of Wendy and Robbie drawn in the Anime style. It can be found in Robbie's room in the episode "The Love God".

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