Friday, July 14, 2017

Today's blog post is about Dartrix from the show Pokemon. Dartrix is a grass/flying type Pokemon. It is also the evolved form of Rowlet, and it can evolve into Decidueye. Dartrix often has a snobbish personality, and it cares greatly about its appearance. It grooms its feathers every chance it gets. If Dartrix has dirty or ruffled feathers, it can't focus, even during a battle. If it loses focus, Dartrix will sometimes even retire from a battle! Dartrix also has razor sharp feathers inside of its wings. These feathers can be sent flying to attack Dartrix's enemies, and Dartrix can even bend the feathers to change the feather's trajectory. If Dartrix's trainer can help it get past worrying about its appearance, Dartrix can actually end up being a strong Pokemon.

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