Sunday, October 13, 2019

Why isn't Kirimichan more popular? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! But before I continue, I would first like to mention that I couldn't find Kirimichan's official gender anywhere. So, I will be referring to Kirimichan with they/them pronouns instead. Now that that's out of the way, on with the post! So, why isn't Kirimichan a more popular Sanrio character? Despite the fact that Kirimichan was well-received, it seems as though they are slowly fading into obscurity. They currently don't have any products on the official Sanrio website, and they are being heavily overshadowed by Gudetama; who is a much more well-known food-based mascot. However, there were quite a few plans for Kirimichan originally. A good example of this would be the project from a few years ago that gave Kirimichan and their friends human counterparts. Along with this, Kirimichan is also the favorite of one of the Sanrio Boys. But despite this and the fact that Kirimichan is still rather new, they're still declining in popularity. Although it's hard to say why this is, it may be because of Gudetama's immense popularity. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you guys still enjoyed this blog post! As a little bonus, I will also be including a picture of Kirimichan below. Enjoy!

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