Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Ready for another new post? For today's blog post, I will be talking about the show Anime De Training Ex. Anime De Training Ex is an exercise-based first person anime, and it originally debuted in 2015. This show follows a group of young girls who want to become idols. So, they exercise to get in shape. They lead the viewer through the exercises during the episodes, as well. There are currently only 12 episodes of this series, and each episode is only about 4 minutes long. Although this is a slightly unusual anime, it may still be an interesting watch. The exercises they do are also generally easy, and there's a bit of a story in the series as well. If any of you are interested in checking this series out for yourselves, it is available English subbed on Crunchyroll. As a little bonus, I will also be including a picture of Anime De Training Ex below. Enjoy!

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