Sunday, September 30, 2018

The blog post for today will be about Bowsette. Although Bowsette isn't directly related to anime, it has become a pretty big topic. So I decided to talk about it anyways. Now then, what is Bowsette? Well, it all started with a brand new power-up in the game New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe. This new power-up is called a "Super Crown", and it gives Toadette the ability to turn into Peachette. In this form, Toadette strongly resembles Princess Peach. Because of this, a comic was made where Bowser put the Super Crown on instead to transform into "Bowsette" after he and Mario were turned down by Princess Peach. After this, the internet quickly started making their own pictures and fan art of this new form of Bowser. It only took a few days for this new Bowser form to take over the internet. However, it was later revealed in an art book that Nintendo had already made their own form of "Bowsette". This form didn't turn out to look like the fan-made Bowsette though. This is most likely because the Super Crown was not used for Nintendo's version of Bowsette. But, the fans were still a bit mixed as to whether they liked the almost-official Bowsette or not. As a little bonus, I will be including pictures of the fan-made comic of Bowsette that started the trend, as well as Nintendo's official comic of Bowsette. However, I would like to mention that both comics include spoilers for the game Super Mario Odyssey. Along with this, Nintendo's comic is currently only available in Japanese. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy them!

The fan-made comic strip.
The official Nintendo comic strip.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about the Pokémon Latios and Latias. Latios and Latias are dragon/psychic-type Pokémon, and they are also legendary Pokémon. These Pokémon are very intelligent, and they can both understand human speech. They also have similar appearances, and the main difference between them is their color. Latios is blue, and Latias is red. However, they do have different abilities. For example, Latios can make others see whatever he has seen or what he has imagined. On the other hand, Latias is very sensitive to the emotions of people. If she senses any hostility, she will ruffle her feathers and let out a shrill cry to intimidate her enemies. Latias also has glass-like down feathers. She can use this down to refract light and alter her appearance. Latios can fold his legs to help him fly as fast as a jet plane as well. As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Latios and Latias below so you guys can see what they look like. Enjoy!

Latias is on the left, and Latios is on the right.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Today's blog post will be about face masks. Although they're usually not very important, face masks actually have a good purpose. These masks are often used to shield people against dust or germs. They can often be seen in anime or manga as the usual black or white face mask that covers a person's nose and mouth. However, there are a few other special ones like Kakashi's mask in Naruto. Along with this, Earth-chan is often seen wearing a face mask as well. There are also face masks available for purchase that have anime faces on them. Even K-Pop idols can often be seen wearing black or white face masks. As a little bonus, I will be including pictures of Kakashi wearing his mask, Earth-chan with her mask, and some of the masks with anime faces on them below so you guys can see what they look like. Enjoy!


Thursday, September 27, 2018

The blog post for today will be about anime figures. Anime and manga figures are actually very popular in the anime and manga community. In fact, almost every anime or manga fan has one. Despite this, anime figures are actually quite expensive. For example, a normal figure could cost up to one hundred dollars or more. However, they can be found for cheaper prices. But, there's a good chance a cheap one is either fake or cheaply made. A used figure would be much cheaper if it didn't have a box though. Along with this, some stores even sell these "used" figures for a much cheaper price compared to brand new ones. Although most anime figures are girl figures, there are also quite a few figures made for boy characters as well. There are also figures available for some of the popular Vocaloids, such as Hatsune Miku and Kaito. As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of a Kaito figure below so you guys can see what a figure looks like. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Today's blog post will be about the Pokémon Meltan. Meltan is a new steel-type Pokémon. It is also a mythical Pokémon. Most of Meltan's body is made from liquid metal, and it can even use its arms and legs to corrode metal. It then absorbs the melted metal. Meltan can use the metal it absorbs to create electricity as well. The electricity it generates can be used as a power source, and it can even use its electricity as an attack. Along with this, Meltan is a curious Pokémon, and it expresses interest in a lot of different things. As a little bonus, I will be including a link to Meltan's introductory video below. I will also be including a picture of it so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

The link to Meltan's introduction video:

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be listing three anime references in the show OK KO. If you guys don't already know, OK KO is a popular American cartoon. However, there are a lot of anime references in it as well! So, I will be listing a few of the anime references I have noticed while watching it. Since there are quite a few references sprinkled throughout it, I'll only be listing three for now. Now then, on with the list!

In this first picture, Enid is obviously holding a stack of manga. As you can see, the top manga is a parody of Bleach.
In this picture, Enid is back with a Naruto Uzumaki phone charm.
In this last reference, KO is actually drawn in the well-known anime art style.
Well, those are all of the anime references I have for now. Nonetheless, I hope you guys still enjoy this blog post!

Monday, September 24, 2018

The blog post for today will be about the movie Mary And The Witch's Flower. Mary And The Witch's Flower was released in the USA on January 18th, 2018, and its art style is very similar to Studio Ghibli's art style. This movie centers around Mary Smith, a seemingly normal girl who accidentally stumbles on a very powerful flower. After finding this flower, Mary is taken on an unforgettable magical adventure! This movie is mostly an action-based movie, with some slice-of-life and comedy mixed in as well. Although some people may not have liked it, I personally think that is only because they were comparing it with Studio Ghibli. I personally liked this movie very much. But if any of you guys would like to check it out for yourself, it is currently available on Netflix.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Why is Jaehee's route the only available friendship route in Mystic Messenger? Well that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! There will be some spoilers in this post too, so proceed with caution. Now then, on with post! So, why is Jaehee's route the only friendship route in the game? First of all, otome games like Mystic Messenger usually don't have any available routes for girls. This is because they are generally marketed towards straight girls. Because of this, Jaehee's route is actually quite unique. Along with this, Jaehee's route is most likely just a friendship route so it doesn't make girls uncomfortable while playing the game. However, it is hinted that Jaehee might actually like the MC through parts of her dialogue in her route. If the player decides to play Jaehee's after endings, it is suggested that the MC and Jaehee are a couple as well. But, a lot of people still complain about Jaehee's route. I personally think that making Jaehee's route a friendship route was a good idea for any straight girls playing the game. If any of them wanted to spend more time with Jaehee, they could simply play the after endings instead. These are mostly just my thoughts on this topic though. Nonetheless, I hope you guys still enjoy this blog post!

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Today's blog post will be about the Pokémon Ninetales. Ninetales is a fire-type Pokémon, and it is the evolution of Vulpix. This Pokémon is very smart, and it can even understand human language. It is also a very vengeful Pokémon. If someone pulls one of its tails, it could result in a thousand year long curse. Ninetales itself is said to live for one thousand years as well. According to legend, Ninetales was created when nine powerful wizards merged into one being. Along with this, each of its nine tails contains a supernatural power. Its eyes also glow with a sinister light that can allow it to gain complete control of its opponent's mind. As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Ninetales below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Friday, September 21, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about the Pokémon Shuppet. Shuppet is a ghost-type Pokémon, and it is the pre-evolution of Banette. This Pokémon is drawn to strong feelings of vindictiveness and jealously. If a person develops strong feelings of vengeance, a swarm of this Pokémon will appear and line up under the eaves of that person's home. Shuppet also feeds on dark emotions as well, and it will often roam through cities searching for grudges that taint people. It is more active at night too, and its horn is said to catch the negative feelings it feeds on. As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Shuppet below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 20, 2018

The blog post for today will be about the food narutomaki. Although it may not seem like this food is anime related, it is actually quite well-known in a very popular anime. Narutomaki, also known as naruto, is a type of Japanese food made from fish. It is a type of fish cake as well, and it is known for its white color and pink swirl in the middle. If the name sounds familiar, it's because Naruto Uzumaki is the name of the protagonist of the Naruto series. Because of this, narutomaki is often seen in the ramen Naruto eats. It is also highly associated with Naruto Uzumaki because of their shared name too. As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of a bowl of ramen with narutomaki from the Naruto series so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Today's blog post will be about the recently released Undertale trailer for the Nintendo Switch. If you guys don't already know, the game Undertale has recently been released on the Nintendo Switch! However, I wanted to focus on the trailer for it because it shows the character Mew Mew from Mew Mew Kissy Cutie all throughout it. As I have mentioned on this blog before,  Mew Mew Kissy Cutie is the anime Alphys watches and talks about throughout the game. Along with this, an official keychain has even been made for Mew Mew Kissy Cutie as well. In the Nintendo Switch game trailer, Mew Mew is shown multiple times, and the trailer even begins with a cliché magical girl opening scene featuring her. As a little bonus, I will be including the link for the official Undertale Nintendo Switch trailer below, along with a picture of the official keychain. Enjoy!

The official Undertale Nintendo Switch trailer:

The official Mew Mew Kissy Cutie keychain.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about an upcoming Mystic Messenger event. That's right! Cheritz has recently announced yet another Mystic Messenger event! This upcoming event will center around the Korean holiday Chuseok. There will be three parts to this Mystic Messenger event. The first part of the event will be a special picture of the RFA members, along with free access to the Max Speed during the event period. The second part of the event will be Chuseok-themed intro chats. To participate in this event, you simply have to access the game during the event period. For the last event, the amount of hourglasses it takes to access the "Next Day" chats will be having a 10% sale. This means it will take less hourglasses to purchase the Next Day chat rooms during the event period! This event will go from September 20th to September 26th. However, I would recommend checking the game a day or so earlier if you don't live in South Korea. If any of you guys would like to know more about this Mystic Messenger event, I will be including the link for the announcement on Cheritz's official Tumblr page below. Enjoy!

The link for Cheritz's official event announcement:

Monday, September 17, 2018

The blog post for today will be about the Vocaloid Zhiyu Moke. Moke is a Chinese Vocaloid, and he is distributed by Shanghai HENIAN Co. Ltd.. This Vocaloid is still fairly new, and he was released in August of 2018. He currently only speaks Chinese as well. Unlike a lot of other Vocaloids, Moke actually has a personality and a backstory. He usually doesn't talk, so most people see him as being a nice boy. He is also very intelligent. However, he's actually a really big otaku! Although he usually only reveals his true otaku nature around his close friends, he somewhat acts like a professional debater when it comes to anime or other otaku related subjects. He tends to respond poorly to topics that don't interest him though. He is also 14 years old, and he is 4 feet and 11 inches tall. As a little bonus, I will be including a link to a song sung by him below so you guys can hear what he sounds like. Enjoy!

The link for the song sung by Zhiyu Moke:

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Today's blog post will be about the uncut Funimation English dub for the original Yu-Gi-Oh series. Even though I have talked about it on here before, I wanted to talk about it a bit more. So first of all, why were there only three DVDs made for the uncut version? Although nobody is entirely sure why they didn't re-dub the whole series, some people think it's because 4Kids didn't want the uncut version to overshadow the original English dub. Even though this might have happened, it would still bring a lot of attention back to the original Yu-Gi-Oh series. However, the uncut English subtitled version of the anime is available on Crunchyroll now. But, a lot of fans still want an uncut English dub. It's hard to say if they will ever finish making an uncut version of the anime, but it is true that fans won't ever be completely satisfied with the anime unless they have an uncut version of it. Although we may never have an uncut English dub for Yu-Gi-Oh, that doesn't necessarily mean the English dub we have now is bad. It just means we'll have to make due with the current English dub or the English subtitled versions of Yu-Gi-Oh we have right now. Nonetheless, I hope you guys still enjoy this blog post! As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of all three of the uncut English dubbed DVDs below so you guys can see what they look like. Enjoy!

The first, second, and third uncut English dubbed versions of Yu-Gi-Oh.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Is Yami taller than Yugi in Yu-Gi-Oh? Well that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! But, I would like to mention that there will be spoilers in this post. So, proceed with caution! Now then, on with the post! Even though I have covered this topic on here before, I figured I would talk about it again since the movie Dark Side Of Dimensions came out a while ago. Throughout the series, Yami has always been portrayed as taller than Yugi. However, the movie Dark Side Of Dimensions takes place a few years after the original series. Although he only made a small appearance in the movie, Yami was still taller than Yugi. Despite this, his official information hasn't been updated. His official information still says he's the same height as Yugi. However, this could simply be because a new data book hasn't been released yet. Even though this information may never be updated, a lot of fans have already noticed the height difference between them anyways. Nonetheless, I hope you guys still enjoy this blog post! As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Yami and Yugi in the movie Dark Side Of Dimensions below. Enjoy!

As you can see, Yugi is on the left and Yami is on the right in this picture.

Friday, September 14, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be listing five random Vocaloid songs sung by either Kaito or Kamui Gakupo, along with their links. There's no specific reason for this list. I just wanted to list some more Vocaloid songs. Since Kaito and Gakupo are two of my favorite Vocaloids, I decided to list some of their songs. These aren't exactly my favorite songs either, just some of the ones I like. Now then, on with the list!

1.) Imitator by Kaito

2.) Warm Kaito by Kaito

3.) Last Night, Good Night by Kaito and Gakupo

4.) A Doll's Voice by Gakupo

5.) Ikanaide (Don't Go) by Gakupo

Thursday, September 13, 2018

The blog post for today will be about the Pokémon Persian. Persian is a normal-type Pokémon, and it is the evolution of Meowth. This Pokémon is often admired because of its fur and its sophistication. The jewel on its head is often admired as well. But, it is very hard to keep a Persian as a pet because of its mean temperament. It will even lash out at people for no reason. However, it will become docile if it is grabbed by its whiskers. Persian's whiskers also allow it to sense air movements, which helps it determine what is in its surroundings. As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Persian below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Today's blog post will be about BTS. BTS is a popular K-Pop band. Although it has nothing to do with anime and manga, this band has become extremely popular. So, I figured I would do a blog post about it. BTS is a boy band, and it has seven members in total. Their names are Kim Taehyung (V), Jeon Jungkook, Park Jimin, Min Yoon-Gi (Suga), Kim Nam-Joon (RM), Kim Seok-Jin (Jin), and Jung Ho-Seok (J-Hope). Despite being a South Korean band, BTS has actually become quite popular, especially in America. Since their debut, BTS has steadily climbed to international success. Because of this, they have done some interviews, and they have even appeared in some commercials. However, their most recent performance was earlier today on America's Got Talent, where they performed the song Idol. As a little bonus, I will be including a link for their performance on America's Got Talent below. Enjoy!

The link for their performance on AGT:

Note: I would like to mention that their last name comes before their first name because that is how their names are normally written.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be listing five Death Note animation memes, along with their links. Since I usually only list animation memes for Mystic Messenger, I decided to switch it up a bit and list some animation memes for Death Note instead. However, there aren't as many Death Note animation memes to choose from. So, I will only be listing five animation memes instead of ten. Now then, on with the list!

1.) Poison

2.) Hungry

3.) Dreams

4.) Two Faces

5.) I Am The Man

Monday, September 10, 2018

Why is the Vocaloid Hatsune Miku so popular? Well that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! If you guys don't know, Hatsune Miku is one of the most popular Vocaloids in the whole Vocaloid community. She's usually one of the first Vocaloids you hear about when you first enter the Vocaloid fan base, and people often pick her as their favorite Vocaloid. She also has more songs than any of the other Vocaloids. But, why is this? Even though Miku isn't the first Vocaloid, she is the first Vocaloid to be part of the Character Vocal series. Because of this, she has a defined age, weight, and height. A lot of other Vocaloids don't have this. Her popularity probably has something to do with her design as well. Whether it was intentional or not, Miku's design is reminiscent of the high school girls often seen in anime and manga. Since high school uniforms are very popular in anime and manga, it would make sense if this is part of the reason why Miku is popular. She also has twin tails, which are often seen as being cute. Along with this, Miku has a higher pitched voice. For some reason, a lot of Vocaloid fans seem to enjoy higher pitched voices as well. Miku has gained a lot of merchandise with her popularity too. Since there isn't as much merchandise for any of the other Vocaloids, this could also be part of the reason why Miku is so popular. But, these are just my thoughts on it. Nonetheless, I hope you guys still enjoy this blog post! As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Hatsune Miku below. Enjoy!

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Was Beyond Birthday from Death Note really bad? Well that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! However, I would like to mention that there will be spoilers in this post. So, proceed with caution! Now then, on with the post! For those of you who don't know, Beyond Birthday is the antagonist of the novel Death Note: Another Note: The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases. But, was he really bad? Although most of Beyond Birthday's actions in The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases were to get the attention of L, Beyond Birthday actually did turn out to be a serial killer. Throughout the novel, he ended up killing three people in total. However, the reason I'm questioning if he was bad or not is because he  knew when the people he killed were going to die. Since he was born with shinigami eyes, he knew the names and death dates of every person he met. So, he already knew the people he killed were going to die at that specific time with or without his intervention. But does this make it right? Well, no. He probably chose the victims he did because he thought people who had a longer lifespan wouldn't be able to be killed by him. Along with this, the fact that he was willing to kill people in the first place makes him seem evil as well. So, him choosing the people he did based on their lifespans doesn't make him any better. It just means he knew in advance he would be able to kill them. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on it. Nonetheless, I hope you guys still enjoy this blog post!

Saturday, September 8, 2018

The blog post for today will be about the Vocaloid Sakine Meiko. Sakine Meiko is a fan-made Vocaloid, and she is obviously a derivative of the Vocaloid Meiko. She is also one of the few fan-made Vocaloids that have been officially recognized by Crypton Future Media. Sakine Meiko and Tako Luka are currently the only officially recognized derivatives that aren't derived from Hatsune Miku as well. Sakine Meiko was created as a version of Meiko when she was young. Because of this, she is 16 years old. However, some fans think of her as Meiko's younger sister instead. Sakine Meiko is also 5 feet and 4 inches tall, and she weighs 103 pounds. She became popular from the music video "Honey" too. However, that music video features many other Vocaloids alongside Sakine Meiko. So, I will be including a link to the original Honey music video below, as well as a version of the song Honey with just Sakine Meiko so you guys can hear what she sounds like. Enjoy!

The link for the original Honey music video:

The link for the solo version of Honey:

Friday, September 7, 2018

Today's blog post will be about one of the t-shirts from the Mystic Messenger merchandise line Cheritz released a while ago. Although all of the shirts are cool, I would like to talk about one shirt in particular; the shirt that says "Does Jumin Han Is Gay?" on it. That's right! You can now purchase an official Mystic Messenger shirt with a meme on it! When this shirt was released with the rest of the merchandise line, it was described as a shirt with a "Hot MM meme for North America" on it. I myself have actually talked about this phrase on this blog before, since it's still pretty popular in the fan base. So, does this make it a good design? Well, I think it actually is a good shirt design. Since all of the other shirts in the merchandise line are similar to this one, it isn't singled out. It's also a well-known phrase, and a lot of people in the fan base still like this ongoing joke. A lot of other unofficial shirts have already been made for this phrase as well. Since there is an official shirt for it now, fans can support the game by buying the official shirt instead. But, these are just my thoughts on it. As a little bonus, I will be including the link to the merchandise announcement on Cheritz's official Tumblr page, and the link for the shirts in Cheritz's shop. I will also be including a picture of the official shirt below as well. Enjoy!

The link for the merchandise announcement:

The link for the Mystic Messenger shirts:

Thursday, September 6, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be listing five English songs sung by Kaito, along with their links. Since I haven't mentioned Kaito on here in a while, I decided to make another song list for him. These aren't exactly my favorite songs either, just some of the ones I like. Now then, on with the list!

1.) Rain + Virus

2.) Simple And Clean (Remix)

3.) Something Just Like This

4.) Hey Brother

5.) April

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The blog post for today will be about Aries from Fairy Tail. Aries, also known as "The White Lamb", is a Celestial Spirit. Her key is a golden key, and it currently belongs to Lucy Heartfilia. However, her key also belonged to Karen Lilica and Sorano before Lucy obtained it. Aries is a very shy and polite girl who often apologizes, even if she is not at fault. She is also sweet and obedient. Even though she is easily frightened, she is still willing to fight for her owner. Aries uses a type of wool magic as well. This type of magic can be used to relax her opponents, and it can even make them fall asleep. Because of this, her magic makes it easy for her to twist the battle to her advantage. As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Aries below so you guys can see what she looks like. Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Today's blog post will be about the Pokémon Kirlia. Since I have already done blog posts about the other Pokémon in this evolution line, I decided I would finish the series. So, on with the post! Kirlia is a psychic/fairy type Pokémon, and it is the evolution of Ralts. It is also the pre-evolution of Gardevoir and Gallade. This Pokémon will spin and dance if it is happy. If its trainer is happy, Kirlia is filled with psychic energy. When it uses its psychic power, the air around it becomes distorted. Because of this, the scenery around it is filled with mirages. The horns on Kirlia's head amplifies its psychokinetic powers too. It is said that a Kirlia will become beautiful if it is exposed to positive emotions of its trainer as well. As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Kirlia below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Monday, September 3, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about the Pokémon Ralts. Ralts is a psychic/fairy type Pokémon, and it is the pre-evolution of Kirlia, Gallade, and Gardevoir. This Pokémon has the ability to sense emotions using the horns on its head. Although a Ralts usually won't appear before people, it will draw closer to someone if it senses the person has a positive personality. Because of this, Ralts will act cheery and joyful if its trainer is in a cheerful mood. Ralts will also hide if it senses any hostility. However, it will warm up slightly if it senses the warmth of people or other Pokémon. As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Ralts below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Sunday, September 2, 2018

The blog post for today will be about the Pokémon Gallade. Gallade is a psychic/fighting type Pokémon, and it is the final evolution of Ralts and Kirlia. However, only a male Kirlia can evolve into Gallade. Since the other evolution for Ralts and Kirlia is Gardevoir, Gallade generally isn't as popular or well-known as its counterpart. This Pokémon is an expert of swordsmanship, and it can use the extended swords on its elbows to fight. Gallade can also sense what its foe is thinking, so Gallade's attacks always come first. It attacks fiercely when it is protecting someone as well. As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Gallade below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Today's blog post will be about the Pokémon Golduck. Golduck is a water-type Pokémon, and it is the evolution of Psyduck. This Pokémon has webbed flippers, and its streamlined body gives it incredible speed. Even the most athletic swimmer wouldn't be able to keep up with Golduck. It can easily swim in rough and stormy seas as well, and it is the fastest swimmer among all other Pokémon. It sometimes rescues people from shipwrecks too. Along with this, Golduck can often be seen swimming elegantly in lakes. It can also use psychic powers when its forehead glows. As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Golduck below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!