Tuesday, September 25, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be listing three anime references in the show OK KO. If you guys don't already know, OK KO is a popular American cartoon. However, there are a lot of anime references in it as well! So, I will be listing a few of the anime references I have noticed while watching it. Since there are quite a few references sprinkled throughout it, I'll only be listing three for now. Now then, on with the list!

In this first picture, Enid is obviously holding a stack of manga. As you can see, the top manga is a parody of Bleach.
In this picture, Enid is back with a Naruto Uzumaki phone charm.
In this last reference, KO is actually drawn in the well-known anime art style.
Well, those are all of the anime references I have for now. Nonetheless, I hope you guys still enjoy this blog post!

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