Monday, September 17, 2018

The blog post for today will be about the Vocaloid Zhiyu Moke. Moke is a Chinese Vocaloid, and he is distributed by Shanghai HENIAN Co. Ltd.. This Vocaloid is still fairly new, and he was released in August of 2018. He currently only speaks Chinese as well. Unlike a lot of other Vocaloids, Moke actually has a personality and a backstory. He usually doesn't talk, so most people see him as being a nice boy. He is also very intelligent. However, he's actually a really big otaku! Although he usually only reveals his true otaku nature around his close friends, he somewhat acts like a professional debater when it comes to anime or other otaku related subjects. He tends to respond poorly to topics that don't interest him though. He is also 14 years old, and he is 4 feet and 11 inches tall. As a little bonus, I will be including a link to a song sung by him below so you guys can hear what he sounds like. Enjoy!

The link for the song sung by Zhiyu Moke:

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