Friday, August 9, 2019

The final dorm for Twisted-Wonderland has been revealed! The seventh and final dorm for Twisted-Wonderland was just revealed yesterday, and it is called Diasomnia. Along with this, it is based on Sleeping Beauty. There are four characters in this dorm as well, and their names are Malleus Draconia, Lilia Vanrouge, Silver, and Sebek Zigvolt. The insignia for Diasomnia is heavily based on Maleficent too, and it has her horns and dragon form on it; along with some barbed wire. As usual, the Twisted-Wonderland official website has been changed to welcome the new dorm. Some new promotional art has also been revealed for the game as well. Although the game's release is currently inching ever closer, there still hasn't been any mention of an international release for it yet. But as always, I will be listing the names and pictures of the members of the Diasomnia dorm below so you guys can see what they all look like. As a little bonus, I will also be including the new promotional art below as well. Enjoy!

1.) Malleus Draconia

2.) Lilia Vanrouge

3.) Silver

4.) Sebek Zigvolt

The new promotional art:

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