Friday, August 2, 2019

Why is Echo Girl such a disliked character? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! There may be some spoilers for Mystic Messenger in this post though, so proceed with caution! Now then, on with the post! So, why is Echo Girl so disliked? A lot of people in the Mystic Messenger fan base don't like her, and she is usually talked badly about when she is mentioned. But, why is this? Well, much like how Sarah and Glam Choi are also disliked for their actions in Jumin's route, Echo Girl is mostly disliked for her actions in Zen's route. Although this is justified given her manipulative personality, this means she doesn't have very many fans. Along with this, Echo Girl's personality and actions only make it worse. She acts nice until she doesn't get what she wants, she's manipulative, and she isn't above blackmailing people. She is also spoiled, and she thinks she can have whatever she wants as long as her father backs her up on it. Because of this, Echo Girl has become a very disliked character throughout the fandom. All of this along with the fact that she tries to steal Zen away from the MC in his route only makes her even more disliked. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic anyways. Nonetheless, I hope you guys still enjoyed this blog post! As a little bonus, here's a picture of Zen and Echo Girl. Enjoy!

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