Wednesday, October 21, 2020

New day, new post! The blog post for today will be about Yohio. Yohio is a Swedish singer. However, he is very popular in Japan. Because of this, he provided the voice for the Vocaloid Yohioloid. Yohio can speak in Japanese and English as well, and Yohioloid is bilingual because of this. Along with this, Yohio is currently still making music. He is 25 years old at the time of this post, and he tends to make alternative-style music. I've been a fan of Yohio for a while now, and I found him through Yohioloid. If any of you are fans of Yohioloid, I would suggest checking out Yohio too. He's incredibly talented, and he makes a lot of good songs. But, that's just my opinion. If any of you are interested in checking him out for yourselves, I will be including a song sung by him below. Enjoy!

The link for Yohio's song (My Nocturnal Serenade):

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