Saturday, October 17, 2020

This is my 1,500th blog post! So, today's blog post will be a list of my top 15 Death Note characters. Since Death Note is one of my favorite series, I decided to list some of my favorite characters. I will only be including the characters from the original series as well, so I won't be including the One Shots. Some of these characters may not necessarily be in order, either. Now that that's out of the way, let's get on with the list. Enjoy!

1.) L

2.) Near

3.) Mello

4.) Touta Matsuda

5.) Ryuk

6.) Rem

7.) Watari

8.) Misa Amane

9.) Sayu Yagami

10.) Soichiro Yagami

11.) Shuichi Aizawa

12.) Kanzo Mogi

13.) Gelus

14.) Light Yagami

15.) Teru Mikami

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