Tuesday, June 25, 2024

It's post time! I haven't listed any songs on here in a long while, so today's blog post will be a list of five Vocaloid or Utauloid songs I like; along with a link for each one. I just wanted to list some songs I found that I like, since I haven't done it in a while. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy! 

1.) My Bread Was Burnt To A Crisp

2.) Mesmerizer

3.) Brain Implosion Energy Drink

4.) Magical Cure Love Shot

5.) Mayonnaise Fried Chicken

Monday, June 24, 2024

It's time to post! For today's blog post, I will be briefly talking about Ranfren. I won't go into too much detail, since it isn't exactly anime-related and it's also a bit controversial. But for those of you who don't know, Randal's Friends (shortened to Ranfren) is a web-based comic series featuring Randal Ivory and his brother Luther. It's a bit weird, and has quite a few anime references in it. It was created quite some time ago now, but it's still being made to this day. It's recently resurfaced and spiked in popularity, and it even seems to be popular in the Japanese community. I recommend checking it out if you like edgy, mature, and strange things. But keep in mind this isn't for children. It has dark humor and occasionally serious issues, so don't read it if you're underage. But for everyone else, I'll be including the link to the official website below. I may also talk about this in a bit more detail some other time, especially since it does have quite a few anime references in it. But for now, enjoy! 

The link for the Ranfren website: https://ranfren.neocities.org/

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Why wasn't the Yo-kai Watch anime very popular? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Yo-kai Watch, although originally just seen as a Pokemon rip-off, eventually became rather popular and managed to get a decently sized fanbase. The games sold well, and eventually the anime received an English dub and was released in America. Even though the English translation received mixed reviews, the anime actually did rather well. It gained many devoted fans, and people often looked forward to seeing the new episodes. The episodes were released a little slowly, and the first season was cut into two seasons. But the amazing voice acting and fun episodes made up for it. Even the movie was well-received. And then came the budget cuts. Disney decided Yo-kai Watch wasn't doing as well as Pokemon, so they decided to make it worse. They replaced all of the voice actors with much cheaper ones, and released episodes even slower than before. It was a sudden and unexpected change that immediately drove the fanbase away. Fans even started petitions and tried contacting the original voice actors about the change, but nothing could be done about it. With new worse voices and lowering quality, nobody was interested in the anime anymore. Eventually Yo-kai Watch faded into obscurity, and fans were forever left with a ruined and abandoned anime. Sure you can watch the English sub version, but that doesn't help if you were watching it for the voices or if you have trouble reading and watching at the same time. Part of me still hopes that this anime is given the respect it deserves someday, with the original voice actors. However, I doubt that will ever happen. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Saturday, June 22, 2024

New day, new post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about ages in the Pokemon anime. Fans are often confused by the fact that Ash Ketchum never ages throughout the entire anime. They say it doesn't make sense for him to be the same age, and that he should've gotten older throughout the series. Some fans even theorize that Ash is older than he seems. However, I disagree. Ash doesn't age because he is supposed to relate to the target demographic, which is children. Keeping him young means kids can watch the series whenever and relate to the main character, even if the people who grew up with the series are essentially just disregarded and pushed away. Along with this, Ash isn't the only one who doesn't age. None of the characters ever get older, regardless of how much time passes. Even the adults in the series never change in appearance at all. Because of this, it makes sense that Ash also doesn't age. The main problem with this is that long-time fans no longer relate to him, which makes it more difficult for them to enjoy the series. The solution to this problem was to replace Ash in the newest installment, but obviously this upset a lot of fans. Personally I think they should've divided the series into two separate ones. One with an older Ash for the original fans, and the new one for new fans. Even if there were only specials featuring an adult Ash, it would likely still satisfy fans. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Friday, June 21, 2024

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be listing a few ways to earn some gems in Twisted Wonderland. Gems are difficult to earn, though not entirely impossible. So, I wanted to list a few tips for you all today. Enjoy! 

1.) Completing quests in the general and weekly sections usually rewards you with five to ten gems each, with the general tab always giving you ten. 

2.) Playing through Twistunes not only counts towards the general quest, but each separate Twistune gives you five to ten gems for finishing their quests. Even event Twistunes give you gems for completing them.

3.) Logging in daily will reward you with different items, and you can earn multiple gems from logging in everyday for a week. 

4.) Reading vignettes for the first time will reward you with five gems for each vignette.

5.) And finally, taking lessons with the different characters will reward you with different items, including gems. Focusing on one character until their tasks are all completed is a good way to get some extra gems, as well as leveling up their cards. 

That's all I have for now. Hopefully this helps players who are struggling to earn some extra gems. Also be sure to get your monthly magical keys from the shops, and  good luck to everyone who's trying to get their favorite cards!

Thursday, June 20, 2024

It's the summer solstice! So for today's blog post, I will be listing five flower Pokemon, along with a picture of each. What better way to celebrate the summer solstice than with flowers? So, let's get on with the list! Enjoy! 

1.) Gossifleur

2.) Floette

3.) Bellossom

4.) Skiploom

5.) Roselia

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be listing five of my favorite Eevee evolutions, along with a picture of each. Eevee is one of my favorite Pokemon, and its evolutions are oftentimes just as good. So, I wanted to list my favorites. Minus Eevee of course, since it's technically not an evolution. Now then, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Umbreon

2.) Sylveon

3.) Vaporeon

4.) Espeon

5.) Glaceon

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

3, 2, 1, post time! For today's blog post, I will be listing three of my favorite non-villager Animal Crossing New Horizons characters, along with a picture of each. There are a lot of villagers in Animal Crossing, but there are also some characters who aren't villagers. Whether they run a shop or just visit sometimes, I still like them. So, I wanted to list a few of them today. Now then, let's get on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) Kapp'n

2.) Flick

3.) Kicks

Monday, June 17, 2024

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be listing three similar games that I like. I used the word "similar" because these games aren't identical, but they do get compared to each other a lot. I'll also be giving a little comment on each choice, as well. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy! 

1.) Pokemon - The original monster collector game. This one is still the most popular one. 

2.) Digimon - Although this is actually pretty different from Pokemon, it was compared to Pokemon way too much for a really long time.

3.) Yo-kai Watch - I know people thought it was a Pokemon rip-off because you collect Yokai in it. But, it really isn't. The mechanics are pretty different, and I think the creatures being based on real Yokai from Japanese culture is fun and sometimes informative.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

It's Father's Day! So for this year's special post, I will be talking about My Neighbor Totoro neckties. Ties are very common gifts to give fathers on Father's Day, and My Neighbor Totoro actually has a good example of a father in it. So what better tie to get than a Totoro tie? There are six different ties, which each feature little pictures of Totoro on them. Of course these ties have only been released in Japan so far, and it's unclear if they'll ever be released outside of Japan. However, I still wanted to talk about them because they are a very stylish and cute Father's Day item. These ties were also recently released just in time for the holiday. However, these are a little pricey, since they're 9,350 yen, or roughly sixty dollars each. As always, I will be including pictures of the ties below so you all can see what they look like. Enjoy!

Saturday, June 15, 2024

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be listing five things you can do in Animal Crossing New Horizons. This list is for newer players, or players who just don't know about these things in the game. I just wanted to list a few things I've learned while playing for anyone else who might not know. So, let's get on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) Traveling to different mystery islands lets you find different plants, including trees, flowers, and produce. Along with this, digging them up lets you plant them on your own island when you get back.

2.) The islands you visit with Kapp'n will always have a gyroid fragment you can dig up and a message bottle on the beach, but shaking the trees on the Nook Miles ticket islands usually gives you a furniture item.

3.) Attending K.K. Slider's concerts not only gives you a cutscene, but it will also give you the song so you can register it on a music player.

4.) Produce you harvest on your island will grow back within two days, but only if you water them. You also need to water other plants and gyroids to get them to grow.

5.) And finally, you can randomly visit villagers in their homes and sometimes catch them cooking or crafting. Talking to them while they're busy will give you the recipe, and different personality types give you different recipes.

Friday, June 14, 2024

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about popular villagers in Animal Crossing New Horizons. Every fanbase for a series with a lot of characters has favorites. There are popular Pokemon, popular Digimon, so of course there are also popular Animal Crossing villagers as well. But for some reason, characters like this have always divided the fandom. Whenever there's a new popular character, half of the fans love them, and the other half hate them. This is a massive divide for such a popular game, especially since fan-favorite characters seem to change rather frequently. This is usually because new characters don't have Amiibo cards, which makes it more difficult to get them on your island. So when their cards release, the hype dies down. But then why do these characters divide the fanbase so much? It's often just because people get tired of seeing them. They'll consider the characters to be bland, overrated, or just unlikable. This obviously upsets the fans who like the characters, which causes bickering within the fandom. It hasn't been as bad recently, but sometimes there are still fans who complain about Raymond or Shino just because of how popular they are. Personally I think we should be allowed to like characters regardless of their popularity, but that might just be me. Regardless, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Thursday, June 13, 2024

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be giving tips on how to catch a scorpion in Animal Crossing New Horizons. Anyone who has read my previous scorpion post will know that I hate the scorpions in this game. They're difficult to catch, and one sting sends you back home. And since it's scorpion season, it's easy to not notice them on your island and accidentally get stung. But worry not, for I have tips! First of all, many players say you need to sneak up on them with your net readied to catch them. Although this does help, you don't have to have it. Just watch the scorpion, and stop moving whenever it raises its claws. I recommend only readying the net when you're a bit closer to it, since the scorpion moves pretty quickly and can easily get away if you're sneaking. Secondly, I recommend practicing on beetles first. Specifically drone beetles or goliath beetles, since they'll also disappear after one miss, and they won't hurt you if you mess up. Practicing on other bugs can really help you figure out how close you'll have to get before you risk missing them. Scorpions can be extremely tricky, but they aren't impossible to catch. I also recommend tilting your camera to a top-down angle so you can better see the distance between you and the scorpion. Personally I only wanted one for the museum, but they also pay relatively well, too. As always, I will be including a picture of the scorpion below so you all can see it for yourselves. Enjoy! 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about wishing on shooting stars in Animal Crossing New Horizons. For those of you who don't know, you can wish on falling stars in Animal Crossing. To wish on a star, you just have to pan the camera fully to the sky and press the A button. This only works if you aren't holding anything, as well. The star will glow brightly if you make a successful wish, and wishing on stars will cause star fragments to show up on the beach the next day. These star fragments can then be used for various recipes. Falling stars occur randomly, and sometimes you'll even experience a meteor shower in the game. You'll also get different zodiac fragments based on the time of year. As always, I will be including some example pictures below so you all can see. Enjoy! 

The tutorial for wishing on shooting stars 

A Sagittarius star fragment

On a side note, the star fragments from Animal Crossing resemble the "diamonds of sugar" (Konpeito) from Hamtaro. Although I don't know if this was intentional, I do think it's a neat detail.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

New day, new list! Welcome to part two of my two part post! For today's blog post, I will be listing five cute bug-type Pokemon, along with a picture of each. This is the second part of the post I did yesterday, which is to bring attention to more cute bug-type Pokemon. So, let's get on with the list! Enjoy! 

1.) Surskit

2.) Caterpie

3.) Venonat

4.) Kricketot

5.) Ledyba

Monday, June 10, 2024

It's time for a list! Welcome to part one of a two part post! For today's blog post, I will be listing five cute bug-type Pokemon, along with a picture of each. I feel like a lot of people don't think of the word "cute" when they think of bug-type Pokemon. But I don't think that's fair, so I wanted to list a few today. I was going to list ten, but I thought that would be a bit overwhelming for a regular post. So, let's get on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) Joltik

2.) Spinarak

3.) Sewaddle

4.) Combee

5.) Wimpod

Sunday, June 9, 2024

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about Mettaton Ex from Undertale. It may seem odd to talk about him on an anime blog, but I wanted to talk about him because a lot of people seem to think he's a reference to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. However, Mettaton Ex himself is not a JoJo reference. He may make a lot of similar poses, but it's more likely that he's based on glamrock stars. Although there are a lot of anime references in Undertale, Mettaton Ex isn't really one of them. Although some of his poses may be based on JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. However, there is another character who is based on an anime. Mad Mew Mew from the Nintendo Switch version of Undertale is based on the in-game anime called Mew Mew Kissy Cutie. In fact, Mad Mew Mew is quite literally a ghost possessing a Mew Mew Kissy Cutie doll. So she's more of an anime reference than Mettaton is. As always, I will be including a picture of Mad Mew Mew and Mettaton Ex below so you all can see them for yourselves. Enjoy! 

Mettaton Ex in his boss fight

Mad Mew Mew in her boss fight

Saturday, June 8, 2024

 New day, new list! For today's blog post, I will be listing five cute, round bird Pokemon; along with a picture of each. I know that sounds oddly specific, but there's a surprising amount of round bird Pokemon. So, I wanted to list some cute ones for you all today. Now then, on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) Rowlet

2.) Rookidee

3.) Natu

4.) Torchic

5.) Swablu

Friday, June 7, 2024

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about Raymond's popularity in Animal Crossing New Horizons. Although Raymond has pretty much faded by now, he was immensely popular when he was first released. Everybody loved this cat and they all immediately tried to get him on their island. But the more popular he got, the more people started saying he was overrated. People started complaining about how he wasn't even that great and this popular thing is bad. Although I can't say anything about the people who dislike Raymond, I can say that he's actually one of my favorite villagers. I really like his design, and I'd love to have him on my island. It's also pretty easy to get him nowadays, since people sell his Amiibo cards online for a pretty cheap price. I understand why his popularity has died down some, but I personally still like him quite a bit. Regardless, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. As always, I will be including a picture of Raymond below so you all can see him. Enjoy! 

Thursday, June 6, 2024

It's time to post! For today's blog post, I will be listing five of my favorite new Pokemon; along with a picture of each. For this list, I'll only be listing Pokemon from the most recent generation. There have been a lot of great Pokemon this generation, so I wanted to list some of my favorite cute ones for you all today. Now then, let's get on with it! Enjoy! 

1.) Sprigatito

2.) Ogerpon

3.) Tinkaton

4.) Clodsire

5.) Tatsugiri

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

New day, new post! For today's blog post, I will be listing six of my favorite Villagers from Animal Crossing; along with a picture of each. Normally I would only list five, but I had trouble choosing between them. So, I'll be listing six today instead. These also won't necessarily be in any particular order, they're just characters I like. Now then, let's get on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) Cherry

2.) Cheri

3.) Antonio

4.) Marshal

5.) Raymond

6.) Sasha

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

It's time for another new blog post! For today's blog post, I will be listing three video games with good food, along with a reason for each choice. There's no real reason for this list, other than the fact that I wanted to talk about food again. So, let's get on with the list! Enjoy! 

1.) Pokemon - For a game about battling cute monsters, this series has a lot of really tasty looking food; as well as quite a few cooking sections.

2.) Genshin Impact - Even though the cooking feature in Genshin Impact is often overlooked, the game actually has a lot of really good food. Some of which have even been recreated in real life!

3.) Kirby - Although usually known for the cute pink ball of terror that is the protagonist of the series, the Kirby games have a surprising amount of good foods. I guess that's what happens when the main character is always hungry.

Monday, June 3, 2024

What time is it? Post time! The blog post for today will be about food in Pokemon. When people think of the Pokemon series, they hardly ever think of food. But truthfully, food has always been a big part of both the games and the anime. From berries to poffins, there's a wide range of food in the Pokemon series. Some are just for humans, some are just for Pokemon, and some are for both. There's such a wide variety of food that there's even a category for it on the Pokemon wiki and Bulbapedia. Not only this, but several Pokedex entries also talk about different foods that Pokemon like, as well as which Pokemon are used for food. As morbid as that is, it just further proves just how big of a role food plays in the Pokemon world. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of some curry from Pokemon below. Enjoy!

Sunday, June 2, 2024

It's post time! Today is June 2nd, which means yesterday was the beginning of June. For all of you Animal Crossing New Horizons fans out there, you know that means the start of a new season. As of yesterday, there are now new bugs and fish to catch; including sharks! This is a great opportunity for new players to fill up the Critterpedia and the museum, and for returning players to earn some extra bells. It's also a good opportunity to get some new clothes and seasonal items, as well. But, that's all I have to say for now. I just wanted to announce the start of a new season in Animal Crossing. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Saturday, June 1, 2024

3, 2, 1, post time! For today's blog post, I will be giving my thoughts on the story mode of Splatoon 3. Splatoon is known and loved for its online features, so its story mode is usually overlooked and sometimes completely ignored. However, I rather like it. Story aside, the little mini challenges are usually pretty fun. It's also fun to open up the map, and unlock new hidden lore. I won't be going into the details of the story because I don't want to spoil anything, but the offline base game is actually pretty fun. I would personally recommend playing through the story mode first as well, since the different challenges teach you about the different weapons and how to use them. You can also play through the challenges more than once, so you can come back later if you find any of them fun. Although Splatoon games are usually made for online play, the offline play is fun too. I would give it a solid eight out of ten, with the score only being lower because some of the challenges are very frustrating. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Friday, May 31, 2024

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about scorpions from Animal Crossing New Horizons. It's summer time, which means it's scorpion season in Animal Crossing. This rare and annoying bug only spawns after seven o'clock at night, and it has a very low spawn rate. You will occasionally encounter them on your island after seven, and there's a specific way you have to catch them. Some may think you just walk up to them with your net, or at least sneak up on them. But to catch a scorpion, you have to sneak with your net readied. If it turns around and raises its claws, you have to stop moving until it returns to normal. Then when you're positioned correctly, just let go of the net button and catch the scorpion. If you don't sneak, it will sting you. If you happen to be holding your net but don't even know there's a scorpion next to you, it will sting you. If you accidentally miss, it will sting you. There is no pleasing this horrible monster and catching it barely makes the 8,000 bells even worth it. I personally loathe these little critters because they are insanely unforgiving. However, I wanted to talk about them because it is scorpion season and the method for catching these little guys isn't super obvious. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Thursday, May 30, 2024

New day, new post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about two items from Animal Crossing New Horizons. There are many unique and interesting items available in this game, but these two are based on traditional Japanese folktales. Many people who don't know the stories think they're very odd, but I personally love these two items. They are the Peach Surprise Box and the Bamboo Doll. Each one pops open to reveal a baby doll, with the Peach Surprise Box containing a boy and the Bamboo Doll containing a girl. This is because the Peach Surprise Box is based on the story of Momotaro, who was a baby boy found in a peach. The Bamboo Doll is based on the story of Princess Kaguya, who was a baby girl found in a bamboo stalk. I love these two items because they're very unique, and reference traditional and often forgotten stories. As always, I will be including pictures of them below so you all can see what they look like. Enjoy! 

The Peach Surprise Box open

The Bamboo Doll open