Thursday, December 27, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about the game Fire Emblem Fates. Fire Emblem Fates is the fourteenth installment of the Fire Emblem series, and it was released internationally in 2016. This game is a tactical Japanese role playing game, and it has three different ways to play the game; Classic Mode, Casual Mode, and Phoenix Mode. The classic mode makes a character die permanently if they are killed in battle, the casual mode lets a character be revived in the next chapter, and phoenix mode revives a fallen ally in the next turn. The story obviously follows the avatar as well. The avatar can be customized however the player wants too, including their gender and birthday. The story of the game is also a branching story that is greatly changed depending on which side the player decides to choose. Even though it isn't the newest title in the series, I would very much recommend playing this game. It has a good storyline and a variety of good characters. But, these are just my thoughts on the game. Since it came out a few years ago, I can't exactly give a set price for it. Nonetheless, I hope you guys enjoyed this blog post!

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