Wednesday, December 26, 2018

It's Jaehee's birthday today in Mystic Messenger! Because of this, Cheritz has set up a special event for her! Although Jaehee's birthday is today, the event is from December 26th to December 28th. All you have to do for this event is access the game at any point in time during the event period. For the first part of the event, there will be a new special picture available. Secondly, there will be a gift of 40 hourglasses for accessing the game for her birthday. There will also be random intro chats available, and Jaehee will be answering questions she received from the Ask Me Anything. As a little bonus, I will be including the link for Cheritz's official announcement, as well as the picture for Jaehee's birthday below. Enjoy!

The link for Cheritz's official Tumblr announcement:

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