Monday, January 14, 2019

Get ready for another new post! Today's blog post will be about the Pokémon Cherrim. Cherrim is a grass-type Pokémon, and it is the evolution of the Pokémon Cherubi. Unlike most other Pokémon, this Pokémon actually has two different forms. These are its overcast and sunshine forms. This is because Cherrim will usually only open its petals during times of strong sunlight. Cherrim does this so it can fully absorb the bright sunshine. However, it will turn back into a bud if the sunlight fades away. It is also very docile while it is in its overcast form, but it will become very cheerful in its sunshine form. As always, I will be including a picture of its sunshine and overcast forms below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

The overcast form of Cherrim is on the left, and the sunshine form of Cherrim is on the right.

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