Monday, January 28, 2019

Ready for another new post? The blog post for today will be about Next Harmeowny from Yokai Watch. Next Harmeowny is a girl group. In the original Japanese version, they are known as NyaKB. Since they all usually appear together, they all appear as minor characters in the series. This group was first introduced to the anime when Jibanyan mentioned them while he was inspirited by Tattletell. They are Jibanyan's favorite idol group as well. The Yokai Pallysol, Lady Longnek, and Boyclops have been shown to be fans of theirs too. However, they don't appear in the show very much. As always, I will be including a picture of Next Harmeowny below so you guys can see what they look like. Enjoy!

The members of Next Harmeowny with Pandanoko.

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