Tuesday, February 12, 2019

It's time for another new post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about all of Monkichi's friends. Monkichi is a character made by Sanrio, and he is often seen with all of his friends. In fact, they even show up in the picture Sanrio is currently using on their website. Because of this, I decided to talk about his friends on here. Monkichi's friends are named Monta, Momochan, Daikichi, Uuken, Chieo, and Monsuke. Each of them also have their own personalities as well. For example, Monta likes to cause mischief and play it cool. He is also the leader of the other little monkeys, and he likes to think he's better than Monkichi. Despite this, he's still like a little brother to him. Momochan is the only girl of the group, and she likes anything stylish. She is also everyone's idol, and she is secretly in a relationship with Monta. Daikichi thinks he's good looking. He is hot-blooded as well, and he loves to eat. Uuken likes to live life at his own pace. He likes getting lost in daydreams too, and he doesn't get worked up about anything. Chieo has a high IQ of 200. He often reads dictionaries in his spare time, and he can bend spoons with his mind. Last but not least, Monsuke is blindly optimistic and absentminded. He doesn't let things get him down either, and his hobby is arranging flowers. As always, I will be including a picture of Monkichi and all of these little monkeys below so you guys can see what they look like. I will also be including the links for Monkichi's official Sanrio page and his page on Sanrio's official timeline below as well. Enjoy!

The link to Monkichi's official Sanrio page: https://www.sanrio.com/categories/monkichi

The link to Sanrio's timeline: https://www.sanrio.com/character/1990/Monkichi

From left to right is: Chieo, Daikichi, Momochan, Monsuke, and Uuken. Monkichi is also in the back, and Monta is on his head.

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