Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Well, it's been a long journey. 1,000 blog posts sure is a lot, and it took quite some time for me to get here! But, it was all worth it! I love getting to post on this blog everyday, and I thank everyone who takes time out of their day to read it. I myself very much enjoy making new posts and finding new things to talk about, and I love making these posts for anyone and everyone who may read them! Even if you only read some of my posts, or if you only find one or two of them, I don't mind either way. I make these posts each day because I like putting a piece of myself out there for others to see. I also like being able to talk about theories I have, or my opinions on things, or even just talking about specific characters or Vocaloids! Since reaching 1,000 posts is a pretty big deal, I wasn't sure what I should do for the big 1,000. But, I think this is a good way to say that I have really enjoyed doing this, and I hope to keep doing it! I hope anyone who finds my blog and my posts like my content, and I plan to make much more content just like it! So, thank you everyone! I hope you all have enjoyed my blog and my posts thus far, and I hope you will all enjoy my future posts as well! Once again, thank you all for reading this, and I will return tomorrow with more content! Have a nice day!

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