Saturday, January 23, 2021

I'm back once again to talk about a possible second season for The Devil Is A Part-Timer. I know I keep talking about this, but people keep making articles about it; so here I am. The Devil Is A Part-Timer is an anime. It had one season containing 13 episodes, and it has been over for years. Despite this, many fans are still holding onto their hope for a new season. New seasons of older anime series aren't at all uncommon, so it isn't an unachievable task. However, the studio responsible for the first season is currently busy with other works. Although people are hoping a different company will pick the show up, a different studio most likely won't have the same art-style or voice actors as the first one. The best course of action at the moment is to support the content we already have. If the studio who created the first season or someone else sees the anime increase in popularity, someone will most likely want to bring it back. As of right now, it isn't popular enough for anyone to see a second season as a possible success. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nevertheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post. As always, I will also be including a picture from The Devil Is A Part-Timer below. Enjoy!

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