Saturday, April 10, 2021

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the lore of the Hatoful Boyfriend series. I won't be going into much detail, to avoid spoilers. I just wanted to talk about how complex the lore for this series is. Even though it started out as an April Fool's Day joke, this series actually has a deep storyline. A lot of the characters have dark secrets and tragic pasts, and many of the characters are connected in one way or another. Although that's pretty normal for dating sims, it's very surprising coming from a bird dating sim. However, this surprising amount of lore is most likely why this series became so popular. I know this post isn't really about much of anything specific, I just found the complex storylines of the Hatoful Boyfriend series to be very interesting. Hopefully this post inspires you guys to check it out for yourselves if you haven't already. Nonetheless, I hope you all enjoyed this blog post! As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Kazuaki-kun below. Enjoy!

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