Friday, October 26, 2018

The blog post for today will be about the show Boruto. I know I have done blog posts about Boruto before, but today's blog post will be my personal thoughts on the series, along with some things other people have said about it. For those of you who don't know, Boruto is the continuation of the Naruto series. However, it stars the children of all of the characters from the original series. Because of this, a lot of people thought it was going to be a clone of the original series. Well, it is. The kids of the original characters act a lot like their parents. Although this gives a sort of familiarity to the show, kids generally don't act exactly like their parents. Boruto acting like Naruto doesn't make a lot of sense to me either. Naruto acted the way he did because he wanted attention and affection. However, Boruto simply acts the way he does to rebel for no apparent reason. Even if Naruto isn't always at home, he still has a mother, a sister, and friends, so he doesn't really need to act out. But, the show is still just starting out. Because of this, it's hard to say if it will continue down the same path of the Naruto series or not. Some people also compare it to the original series a bit too much, since their comparisons and negative reviews of this new series makes it hard for other people to decide whether to check it out or not. I personally think this show has good potential, and it's worth checking out if you were a fan of the original Naruto series. Just remember that it's a continuation and not the original!

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