Thursday, October 4, 2018

Today's blog post will be about Mystic Messenger's new app icon. Although this isn't a very important topic, I figured I would still talk about it anyways. Mystic Messenger has had the same app icon for a very long time, and a lot of people have used it to represent the game itself. However, Cheritz changed the app icon in one of the newest updates. Instead of having the app icon show a picture of Seven with his smartphone, the app icon is now a picture of Jumin with the MC. Even though this isn't a very big change, it is surprising to see a new picture as opposed to the one that has been used for such a long time. As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of the old app icon and the new app icon below so you guys can see what they look like. Enjoy!

The old app icon for the game.
The new app icon for the game.

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