Monday, July 19, 2021

Why is the gacha in Genshin Impact so unfair? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Although it seems a bit immature to complain about the gacha system in a video game, the system in Genshin Impact is actually rather unbalanced. It makes sense for some characters to be more difficult to get than others, but it still shouldn't be such a challenge. I've played gacha games before, and Genshin Impact is by far the most unfair one yet. Wishes can almost exclusively be purchased with Primogens, which can take a very long time to stock up. Not only that, but buying Genesis Crystals for more Primogens can become costly. Since the gachas aren't just for characters, you'll always end up with mostly weapons whenever you try to pull for a character. I personally think it would be better to just have a wish for characters and a wish for weapons separately. At least that would even the odds a little. I've seen many people say they've spent thousands of Primogens without even getting the character they wanted, and I myself have only successfully been able to receive six characters from the wish; two of which I already had and two of which were guaranteed pulls. Despite having played the wishes multiple times and trying for a character every chance I got, I still have hardly any characters. I have a lot of unnecessary weapons, though. I know I'm not the only fan who dislikes this, so hopefully Mihoyo fixes this in the future. I understand Mihoyo still has to make money from their free-to-play game, but such an unfair system is a bit ridiculous. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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