Thursday, June 13, 2024

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be giving tips on how to catch a scorpion in Animal Crossing New Horizons. Anyone who has read my previous scorpion post will know that I hate the scorpions in this game. They're difficult to catch, and one sting sends you back home. And since it's scorpion season, it's easy to not notice them on your island and accidentally get stung. But worry not, for I have tips! First of all, many players say you need to sneak up on them with your net readied to catch them. Although this does help, you don't have to have it. Just watch the scorpion, and stop moving whenever it raises its claws. I recommend only readying the net when you're a bit closer to it, since the scorpion moves pretty quickly and can easily get away if you're sneaking. Secondly, I recommend practicing on beetles first. Specifically drone beetles or goliath beetles, since they'll also disappear after one miss, and they won't hurt you if you mess up. Practicing on other bugs can really help you figure out how close you'll have to get before you risk missing them. Scorpions can be extremely tricky, but they aren't impossible to catch. I also recommend tilting your camera to a top-down angle so you can better see the distance between you and the scorpion. Personally I only wanted one for the museum, but they also pay relatively well, too. As always, I will be including a picture of the scorpion below so you all can see it for yourselves. Enjoy! 

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