Friday, June 9, 2017

The blog post for today will be about the Legendary Birds from the show Pokemon. There are a total of three Legendary Birds. Their names are Zapdos, Moltres, and Articuno. Each of these three Pokemon are quite powerful, and each one is very different from the others, as well. For example, Articuno is an ice/flying type, Moltres is a fire/flying type, and Zapdos is an electric/flying type. Their appearances are very different from each other, too. But, they are also quite similar in the fact that none of them can evolve. Plus, it is unknown if this was intentional, but each of the three Legendary Birds' names end in a Spanish number. Which is seen with ArticUNO, ZapDOS, and MolTRES. (Uno=one, dos=two, and tres=three.)

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