Monday, June 5, 2017

Welcome to Pokemon Go 101, where I will be your sensei! Now, take a seat and let the class begin! Today's class is about Pokestops and Pokegyms in Pokemon Go. Now, I know the game gives you all of the needed information for these, but I'm still going to tell you about it anyways. Let's begin! Pokestops and Pokegyms are real world locations that can be interacted with on the Pokemon Go app. At Pokestops, you can tap on the Pokestop and spin the picture when you get close enough to it. This will cause the Pokestop to give you items, or sometimes even Pokemon eggs, that you can tap on to pick up. The Pokestops are represented as blue cubes that change to blue circles when you are close enough to interact with it. At Pokegyms, you can take over the gym for your team by battling the people defending the gym. This lowers the gym's prestige level. Then, you can assign one of your Pokemon to defend that gym for your team. You can also assign one of your Pokemon to an open gym to claim it, and you can train your Pokemon at friendly gyms. Pokegyms are represented by the symbol of the team currently controlling it, or it will  be gray if it is an open gym.

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