Thursday, June 1, 2017

Today's blog post is about Pokemon Go. I know I'm a little late with this trend. But, I'm still going to do a post about it anyways. On with the post! Pokemon Go is a free cellphone app, and it's actually a very popular app. In Pokemon Go, you get to be a real life Pokemon trainer. You can catch Pokemon, take over or train at gyms, and collect items at Pokestops in your area. With Pokemon Go, you actually have to step outside and walk around to move your avatar. You can also have one of the Pokemon you caught accompany you as your buddy. With the AR feature on, the app makes it look like the Pokemon and Pokeball are actually there. Plus, you can choose to join one of three teams when you get strong enough. The three teams are Team Instinct, Team Valor, and Team Mystic. Pokemon Go also hosts various real-time events throughout the year, as well.

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