Friday, June 2, 2017

Today's blog post will be about the different Teams in Pokemon Go. In Pokemon Go, there are three different teams you can choose from once you are strong enough. Each team is run by a different team leader (obviously), and their teams are represented by different logos that resemble the Three Legendary Birds. Team Instinct (the yellow team) is run by Spark, and it's logo resembles Zapdos. Team Valor (the red team) is run by Candela, and it's logo resembles Moltres. Finally, Team Mystic (the blue team) is run by Blanche, and it's logo resembles Articuno. Each team leader also believes in different things when it comes to training Pokemon, as well. Spark believes you will never lose when you trust in your instincts, Candela values strength and training, and Blanche believes you cannot lose when you use a calm analysis. So, which team will you choose?

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