Sunday, June 4, 2017

Today's blog post is about the Alolan form of Exeguttor from the show Pokemon. Exeguttor's Alolan form is much different compared to the original form of Exeguttor. It's Alolan form is much taller, and it also weighs quite a bit more. The Alolan Exeggutor also has a tail with a small fourth head attached to it. This fourth head has the ability to control the tail independently using it's own will. The Alolan Exxegutor is also a grass/dragon type. Unlike the original Exeggutor, which is a grass/psychic type. The people of Alola also claim that this Alolan form of Exeguttor is actually the true form of Exeggutor, since it is so much bigger than the original Exeguttor.

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