Monday, October 16, 2017

For today's blog post, I will be talking about three important parts of the Mystic Messenger app; the chat room, the calls, and the messages. Here we go!

The chat room - The chat room is the main part of the game. It is where you get to talk and interact with the characters. The chat rooms happen in real time, and it stays open until the next chat room opens. If you miss one, you can skip the chat room by reading it without being able to participate. You could also buy the missed chat room for 5 hourglasses. If you buy the chat, you will be able to participate in it.

The Messages - Although the messages aren't as important, they are still a key part of the game. After a chat, one or more of the characters might send you a private message. You can then respond to the message, and sometimes you can get a heart if you pick the right answer.

The Calls - Sometimes after a chat, one of the characters will call you. If you miss the call, it will cost 5 hourglasses to call them back. If you don't want to wait for them to call you, you can also spend 5 hourglasses to call them. However, they may not always pick up, so use your hourglasses wisely!

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