Friday, October 13, 2017

Wow! This is my 400th blog post! Since Hamtaro was one of the very first Anime shows I had watched, I will celebrate my 400th blog post by listing my four favorite Ham-Hams from the show, along with a short description of each one. Here we go!

1.) Hamtaro - Hamtaro is the main character of the show. He is very friendly and he likes helping his friends and spending time with them at the Ham-Ham Clubhouse while his beloved owner Laura is at school.

2.) Bijou - Bijou is a French hamster with white fur and blue ribbons. Although she was hesitant to leave the safety of her home at first, she still loves spending time with all of her friends.

3.) Oxnard - Oxnard is a nice but kind of shy hamster who loves sunflower seeds. He is also Hamtaro's best friend, as well as the first one Hamtaro met after moving.

4.) Boss - Boss is a field hamster who doesn't have an owner. Instead, he owns and lives at the Ham-Ham Clubhouse. He is also one of Hamtaro's best friends, and he is the second one Hamtaro met after moving.

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