Wednesday, July 31, 2019

It's time to post! The blog post for today will be about Longcat from Mystic Messenger. Longcat is a guest you can invite to the RFA party, and he shows up multiple times throughout the game. He is usually mentioned by Seven as well, and he seems to be quite popular amongst the Mystic Messenger fans. Longcat is said to have very wise things to say, but humans can't understand him. He sometimes folds his back when he's moving around too. Since he is a cat, he can only meow. Because of this, it can be a bit tricky to answer his e-mails so he can attend the RFA party. This Longcat is most likely based on the real-life Longcat as well, since they are both white cats with long torsos. As always, I will be including a picture of Longcat below so you guys can see what he looks like. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Ready for yet another new post? For today's blog post, I will be talking about the Pokemon Carbink. Carbink is a rock/fairy-type Pokemon, and it doesn't evolve. This Pokemon can defend itself by firing beams from the stone in its head. It is also born from the temperatures and pressures from deep underground, and it has slept underground for hundreds of millions of years. Carbink is occasionally found during cave excavations as well. Although Carbink isn't a very rare Pokemon, the shiny jewels on its body often catches the attention of others. Along with this, packs of Carbink use their fluffy manes to polish each other's jewels to keep them shiny and free of tarnish. Some people say that a pack of Carbink lives deep underground with their queen in a kingdom of jewels too. As always, I will be including a picture of Carbink below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Monday, July 29, 2019

It's post time! Today's blog post will be about Nagito Komaeda from Danganronpa. Nagito is from Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair, and he is known as the Ultimate Lucky Student. He is a polite, friendly, and carefree boy. But, he is also a bit insecure. Along with this, he often encourages the other students to cooperate with each other, and he gives them pep talks. Nagito is rather carefree as well, but he tends to say strange and awkward things without thinking of them first. He also seems to be fond of Hajime Hinata in particular, and he ends up being a bit clingy towards him because of it. Although he claims to be pessimistic, he often displays an optimistic attitude instead. As always, I will be including a picture of Nagito below so you guys can see what he looks like. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 28, 2019

It's time for another new post! The blog post for today will be about the Pokemon Gossifleur. Gossifleur is a grass-type Pokemon, and it is the pre-evolution of the Pokemon Eldegoss. This Pokemon prefers clean water and air. Along with this, its pollen has a healing effect. Its healing pollen also works on people, and in the past it was used for tea for the children of the Galar region when they were sick. Gossifleur can travel long distances by being blown around by the wind as well. Because of this, it can control the direction of its travels by twisting its body and petals around. As always, I will be including a picture of Gossifleur below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Should Elizabeth The 3rd get her own route in Mystic Messenger? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! First of all, I am aware Elizabeth The 3rd is Jumin's cat. But, a lot of people have made jokes about her getting her own route. So, should she get her own route? Probably not. It would be pretty hard to talk to a cat, and she would have to somehow gain access to the chat room for the route to work. Her messages probably wouldn't make sense either, since she's a cat. If there was a way for the MC to get close to Elizabeth The 3rd, she would end up having to see her in person in order to complete the route. If we ever got a route for Elizabeth The 3rd, it would most likely just be a joke route. Along with this, it might even just be a route for April Fools Day. But even if there was a serious route for Elizabeth The 3rd, there would be almost no way of telling what it would be like. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic anyways. Nonetheless, I hope you guys still enjoyed this blog post! As a little bonus, here's a picture of Elizabeth The 3rd. Enjoy!

Friday, July 26, 2019

3, 2, 1, post time! Today's blog post will be about Glam Choi from Mystic Messenger. There may be some spoilers in this post though, so proceed with caution! Now then, on with the post! Glam Choi is a side character in the game, and she plays a large role in Jumin's route. Along with this, she is an antagonist on Jumin's route. Glam Choi is a famous film actress, and she is Chairman Han's girlfriend. Glam Choi initially seemed to be nice and friendly to Jumin, and she acted like she was in a loving relationship with Jumin's father. However, she is also secretly manipulative, and she often does things just to get what she wants. As always, I will be including a picture of Glam Choi below so you guys can see what she looks like. Enjoy!

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Ready for a new post? For today's blog post, I will be talking about the Pokemon Corviknight. Corviknight is a flying/steel-type Pokemon, and it is currently unknown whether it will evolve or not. This Pokemon is said to be the strongest Pokemon living in the skies of the Galar region, and it can often be seen fearlessly soaring through the air. Corviknight is also said to send any challenging Pokemon fleeing with just a sharp glare and a cry. It is a very skilled flier and an intelligent Pokemon as well, and many of them work for the Galar taxi service because of this. Along with this, a Corviknight who works for the Galar taxi service can often be seen helping to transport people from town to town. As always, I will be including a picture of Corviknight below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

It's time to post! The blog post for today will be about the ghost-type gym leader Allister from Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield. There have been four gym leaders revealed so far, so I decided to start with the ghost-type gym leader. Allister is a talented trainer of ghost-type Pokemon, and he has become a gym leader at a very young age. He is also incredibly shy and fearful, and he hides his face with a mask while he's around other people because of this. He rarely ever makes public appearances as well, and he apparently spends most of his time hanging around cemeteries and ruins. As always, I will be including a picture of Allister below so you guys can see what he looks like. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

It's post time! Today's blog post will be about Riko Saikawa from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid. Riko is a side character in the series, and she is a friend and classmate of Kanna Kamui. Along with this, she also has a crush on Kanna. Riko first appeared to be bossy and rude, but she became more polite later in the series. She was angry with Kanna at first for her sudden popularity, but she later developed a crush on her when she saw how cute she was. Riko is very polite with Kobayashi as well, since she sees her as Kanna's mother. She spends a lot of time with Kanna too, and they seem to get along well with each other. Riko is also 8 years old, and she has an older sister named Georgie. As always, I will be including a picture of Riko below so you guys can see what she looks like. Enjoy!

Monday, July 22, 2019

It's Mystic Messenger's 3rd Anniversary! Although I missed out on almost all of the anniversary events, there is still one permanent event going on right now. Along with this, today is the last day you can log in to see the special 3rd anniversary picture, and to receive a reward of 30 hourglasses. As for the ongoing event, Cheritz is allowing you to create your very own intro chats for the game! The game intro chats are special chats that occur on specific days depending on which event they're being used for. There is no limit on how long the intro chat can be either. Once you have created an intro chat, you can submit it to Cheritz through their Google form. You can also submit any amount of intro chats as well. If one of your intro chat ideas wins, you will be rewarded with a Google Play or iTunes gift card worth $30, 100 hourglasses, and a Mystic Messenger creative MC badge. The badge is a small badge that was designed specifically for this contest as well. Since this is a permanent event, there isn't an end date for these submissions. As always, I will be including the link for the announcement of this event on Cheritz's official Tumblr below so you guys can check it out for yourselves. I will also be including the special 3rd Anniversary picture below too. Enjoy!

The link to Cheritz's official Tumblr announcement:

Sunday, July 21, 2019

New day, new post! For today's blog post, I will be listing all of the Twisted-Wonderland characters we have so far, along with who they are based on. I will also be including which movie the characters come from too. There are quite a few characters right now, so I won't be including their pictures in this post. I would also like to mention that a few of the characters haven't been confirmed as to which villain they're based on as well. So, I will be including which characters they're probably based on instead. Now that that's out of the way, let's get on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) Riddle Rosehearts - The Queen Of Hearts (Alice In Wonderland)

2.) Ace Trappola - The Ace Of Hearts Card Guard (Alice In Wonderland)

3.) Deuce Spade - The Two Of Spades Card Guard (Alice in Wonderland)

4.) Trey Clover - The Three Of Clubs Card Guard (Alice In Wonderland)

5.) Cater Diamond - The Four Of Diamonds Card Guard (Alice in Wonderland)

6.) Azul Ashengrotto - Ursula (The Little Mermaid)

7.) Floyd Leech - Flotsam (The Little Mermaid)

8.) Jade Leech - Jetsam (The Little Mermaid)

9.) Jamil Viper - Jafar (Aladdin)

10.) Kalim Al-Asim - Iago or the Sultan (Aladdin)

11.) Vil Schoenheit - The Evil Queen Grimhilde (Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs)

12.) Epel Felmier - The Magic Mirror (Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs)

13.) Rook Hunt - The Huntsman (Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs)

14.) Idia Shroud - Hades (Hercules)

15.) Ortho Shroud - Unknown, but possibly Hades (Hercules)

16.) Dire Crowley - Unknown, but possibly Diablo (Sleeping Beauty)

17.) Grim - Hades (Hercules)

18.) Divus Crewel - Cruella De Vil (101 Dalmatians)

19.) Mozus Trein - Lady Tremaine (Cinderella)

20.) Ashton Vargas - Gaston (Beauty And The Beast)

21.) Malleus Draconia - Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty)

Well, that's all I have for now! Nonetheless, I hope you guys still enjoyed this blog post! I may also do another, shorter list like this one when the last two dorms are revealed as well. So, please stay tuned for that list if you're interested! Have a nice day!

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Who is Kalim Al-Asim based on in Twisted-Wonderland? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! First of all, all of the characters in Twisted-Wonderland are based on Disney villains. Since Jamil is based on Jafar, it's safe to assume that Kalim would be based on Iago. But, this isn't necessarily true. Instead, he might actually be based on the Sultan from Aladdin. Although Kalim does have a few elements of parrots in his design, the color of his hair directly contradicts this. This is because Kalim has white hair, which is much more like the Sultan. He also wears a lot of gold jewelry, he grew up in a wealthy family, and Jamil's family has served Kalim's family for generations. Kalim has a rather carefree attitude as well. All of these are more similar to the Sultan's characteristics as opposed to Iago. Unlike most of the other characters, Kalim's name doesn't give it away either; since his name isn't close to Iago's or the Sultan's. Even though the Sultan from Aladdin wasn't a villain, he was somewhat of an antagonist throughout the movie. But if this is true, that would mean Kalim isn't really based on a villain at all. These are mostly just my thoughts on this topic anyways though. Along with this, it will be hard to tell exactly who Kalim is based on until it is officially confirmed. As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Kalim below. Enjoy!

Friday, July 19, 2019

It's time for another new post! The blog post for today will be about Near's new design in the new Death Note Never Complete One Shot. Even though the incomplete pages of the new Death Note One Shot have been available for a little while now, very few people have said anything about Near's new design. Only a few things have changed about him, but he's still quite a bit different from how he looked before. The first main difference is Near's hair. His hair is much longer now than it was before, and it reaches past his shoulders. Since the version we have of the new One Shot right now is unfinished, it's pretty hard to tell if anything else will be changed in the final version of the new Death Note One Shot. But, he has been shown to still wear baggy clothes, and he has been seen using his finger puppets in a few of the different pictures. As always, I will be including a picture of Near below so you guys can see what he looks like now. I will also be including the link for the rough draft of the new Death Note Never Complete One Shot below so you guys can check it out for yourselves. Enjoy!

The link for the new One Shot:

A few panels from the new One Shot showing Near's new design.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

What will the last two dorms of Twisted-Wonderland be? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Although the dorm rooms will be revealed eventually, that won't be for quite some time now; especially since only one dorm room is revealed a month. So, I decided to try to figure out which Disney movies the last two dorms will be based on. First of all, one of the dorms will have to based on Sleeping Beauty. This is because Malleus Draconia is based on Maleficent, and he is yet to be revealed in any of the dorms. That just leaves the last dorm room. All of the dorms so far have been based on the older Disney movies, so the last two dorms will most likely follow the same lead. There is little-to-no chance of it being based on Cinderella, 101 Dalmatians, or Beauty And The Beast as well, since there are already teachers based on these villains. However, there is a small chance since Grim shares the same color scheme as Hades from Hercules even though there is a dorm room based on Hercules. There's also a chance of it being based on The Hunchback Of Notre Dame, but this most likely won't happen because there was only one prominent villain in that movie. I personally believe there is a somewhat high chance of it being based on The Lion King. This is because there are multiple villains in this film, including Scar and the hyenas. Another possible film would be The Princess And The Frog, but that movie seems a bit too new to be a possibility. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this subject anyways. Nonetheless, I hope you guys still enjoyed this blog post! As a little bonus, here's a picture of Malleus. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

It's post time! Today's blog post will be a list of all of the current staff members of Night Raven College from Twisted-Wonderland. I will also be including pictures of them along with their names so you guys can see what they look like. But first, I would like to apologize for not including this information in yesterday's post. I was having a hard time finding the proper pictures for my blog, and I had decided last minute that the best course of action would be to just list the names and pictures in a separate blog post instead of risking not having done a blog post at all. So, I'm very sorry for including this information in a separate blog post instead of my usual format, and I will try to work on being more prepared for my other blog posts in the future. Now that I have properly apologized, let's get on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) Dire Crowley

2.) Grim

3.) Divus Crewel

4.) Mozus Trein

5.) Ashton Vargas

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

I'm back with more Twisted-Wonderland characters! But this time, I will be listing all of the staff members that have been revealed so far. There are currently five staff members in total, including three teachers, a monster guide, and the headmaster. Each of the teachers are based on a Disney villain as well. The headmaster is named Dire Crowley, and the teachers are named Divus Crewel, Mozus Trein, and Ashton Vargas. Along with this, the monster guide is a cat named Grim who shares the same color scheme as Hades from Hercules. Divus Crewel is also based on Cruella De Vil from 101 Dalmatians, Mozus Trein is based on Lady Tremaine from Cinderella, and Ashton Vargas is based on Gaston from Beauty And The Beast. As for Dire Crowley, he currently hasn't been given a Disney counterpart.

Monday, July 15, 2019

New day, new post! Today's blog post will be about the Pokemon Yamper. Yamper is an electric-type Pokemon, and it is currently unknown whether it will evolve or not. This Pokemon is known as the puppy Pokemon, and it is drawn to moving things. Because of this, Yamper will often chase after things that it sees quickly moving around. Along with this, it is known to chase after people, Pokemon, and even vehicles! Yamper also crackles when it runs around as well. Even though it has an organ in its body that creates electricity, it is unable to store the electricity it creates. This special organ is activated when Yamper runs around too, and Yamper is often seen with electricity sparking and crackling around it while it runs because of this. Yamper also has a special ability called Ball Fetch. This means Yamper will fetch the first failed Pokeball you throw, regardless of what type of Pokeball it is! However, it can't be holding any items for this special ability to work. As always, I will be including a picture of Yamper below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Surprise! Another new Twisted-Wonderland dorm has been revealed! This dorm was just recently revealed, and there are only two new characters in this one as well. The new dorm is called Ignihyde, and it's based on Hercules. The two new characters are brothers, and their names are Idia Shroud and Ortho Shroud. Along with this, Idia is the older brother, and Ortho is his younger brother. As per usual, the official Twisted-Wonderland website has also been changed to welcome the newest dorm. The crest of the newest dorm also has Cerberus on it, along with blue flames and the pendant that belongs to Hades. As always, I will be listing the new characters and pictures of the new characters below so you guys can see what they look like. Enjoy!

1.) Idia Shroud

2.) Ortho Shroud

Saturday, July 13, 2019

There has been new information revealed for the new Death Note One Shot! Although I know I have been doing a lot of posts about Death Note recently, it's actually been leading up to today. Since the Never Complete art exhibition was set to begin today on July 13th, that means new information for the latest Death Note One Shot was sure to be revealed. First of all, the new One Shot was confirmed to be 87 pages long. There are also some panels from the new One Shot being shown at the art exhibition, and the rough drafts for the pages have been revealed on Shonen Jump Plus. The art exhibition itself will run in Tokyo until August 12th before moving on to different areas in Japan. However, there hasn't been a release date given for the new One Shot yet. Not very much is known about this new One Shot yet either, but it seems to follow Ryuk and a new character. This new One Shot has been teased to be quite different from the original series as well. All of the panels for the new One Shot are obviously currently in Japanese too. But, I will be including three links below so you guys can check them out for yourselves. The first two are for articles I found concerning the subject, and the third one is for the storyboards on Shonen Jump Plus. Enjoy!

The first article:

The second article:

The storyboards:

Friday, July 12, 2019

It's time for another addition to Anime According To WikiHow! Although I have only done a couple of these before, I plan to do more of them in the future. For those of you who don't know, Anime According To WikiHow is a series where I talk about anime articles I find on WikiHow. After I finish talking about the actual articles, I'll give my opinions on what I think of them. So for today's latest installment, I will be talking about two articles from WikiHow. But, both of them talk about the same topic. This topic is how to act like L from Death Note in real life. The first article tells you how to act like L, and the second article tells you how to emulate L. Even though people generally only want to learn how to properly cosplay a character, there are actually quite a few things telling people how to act like L instead. For example, the second WikiHow article tells you how to act exactly like L, such as copying the clothes he wears, the food he eats, and even his habits and mannerisms. It even tells you to keep your hair short and dark so you'll look more like him! However, the first WikiHow article tells you how to act or eat like L while still acting like yourself. It tells you to wear what you feel comfortable in, choose a natural hair color for yourself, and to not exhaust yourself to get bags under your eyes. Instead, it says to use makeup to make yourself look like you have under eye bags. It also tells you to act like yourself and find your own unique mannerisms, since not everyone can be like L. I personally think the first WikiHow article is more accurate than the second one, since not everyone can be like L. However, I also think you should always be yourself instead of trying to act like someone else. It's not good to try to act like someone or something your not, even if the someone is the World's Greatest Detective. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic anyways. As always, I will be including the links to the WikiHow articles below so you guys can check them out for yourself. Enjoy!

How To Act Like L:

How To Emulate L:

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Ready for a new post? The blog post for today will be about the Pokemon Alcremie. Alcremie is a cute new Pokemon that was just recently introduced. Because of this, it's currently unknown whether it will evolve or not. But, this Pokemon is known as the cream Pokemon. This is because Alcremie has the ability to make whipped cream. The whipped cream will become richer depending on how happy Alcremie is feeling as well. Desserts made with this whipped cream are said to be very delicious, and many pastry chefs want to have Alcremie as their partner because of this. The whipped cream it creates also has a soothing effect, which can give Alcremie the upper-hand in battle. If it is attacked, Alcremie will throw a sweet-scented whipped cream at its opponent to either distract them or temporarily blind them. The whipped cream it uses for this purpose is extremely soothing, and anyone who eats it will quickly lose their will to battle. As always, I will be including a picture of Alcremie below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Did Ryuk actually like Light in Death Note? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! There may be some spoilers in this post though, so proceed with caution! Now then, on with the post! So, did Ryuk actually like Light? Although that's a rather hard question to answer, the main reason Ryuk even found Light was because he was bored. It was the Death Note that led to their meeting, and it was one of the only things that kept Ryuk tied to Light. Along with this, the reason Ryuk didn't mind hanging around Light is because he found him interesting. To Ryuk, Light's quest to become the "God Of The New World" was simply a way to keep him entertained. He liked seeing what would happen next for Light, but that doesn't necessarily mean he liked him. In fact, he didn't seem to be very attached to any of the characters in the series. He even killed Light at the end of the series just so he wouldn't have to watch him live out the rest of his life in jail. To Ryuk all of the events of the series were simply a way to entertain himself. So, I would say Ryuk didn't really like Light, or any of the other characters in the series. He just liked to watch them to keep himself entertained. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you guys still enjoyed this blog post! As a little bonus, here's a picture of Ryuk. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

It's time to talk about the second new dorm room from Twisted-Wonderland! This new dorm is called Scarabia, and it's based on Aladdin. Along with this, the insignia for this dorm has a cobra on it that greatly resembles the snake on Jafar's staff. Unlike the other dorms that have been revealed so far, this dorm only has two characters in it. That means this is currently the dorm with the smallest amount of characters in it. The names of the new characters are Kalim Al-Asim and Jamil Viper as well. Since the website for Twisted-Wonderland is still mostly in Japanese, I don't know very much more about them. But, hopefully we'll be getting an English version of it soon! As always, I will be listing the names and pictures of the new characters below so you guys can see what they look like. Enjoy!

1.) Kalim Al-Asim

2.) Jamil Viper

Monday, July 8, 2019

There are two new Twisted-Wonderland dorms! Although I have fallen a bit behind with the latest Twisted-Wonderland news, that doesn't mean I can't still talk about it! So, please pardon my rather late posts on the subject! Now then, on with the post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the dorm room Pomefiore. I will also be listing the characters that live in this dorm below as well. Pomefiore is based on Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs, and so are the characters that live here. There are currently three characters in this dorm, and their names are Vil Schoenheit, Epel Felmier, and Rook Hunt. Following along with this theme, the insignia of their dorm room is the poison apple from Snow White. As always, I will be listing the names and pictures of the new characters below so you guys can see what they look like. Enjoy!

1.) Vil Schoenheit

2.) Epel Felmier

3.) Rook Hunt

Sunday, July 7, 2019

What is the meaning of justice in Death Note? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! There may be some spoilers in this post though, so proceed with caution! Now then, on with the post! So, what does justice really mean in Death Note? The concept of justice is mentioned quite a few times throughout the series, and the word is usually used by either L or Light. However, these two characters both have very different views on what justice really is or what it should be. Along with this, both characters are guilty of even declaring themselves to be justice. Although there is never a clear definition of justice in the series, the concept of justice appears quite frequently. Since there isn't supposed to be a clear line between right and wrong in the series, that means there isn't going to be one solid definition for justice either. Justice is different for each and every character, which can be seen with characters like Misa, L, and Light. For example, justice for Misa is when Kira killed the murderer who killed her family, justice for Light is a world without evil, and justice for L is catching especially bad criminals (or Kira in particular). But, this doesn't mean this would be what justice is for the other characters in the series. Because of this, the definition of justice in Death Note will be different for everyone. So, there can never be just one clear-cut meaning of justice for the series. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic anyways. Nonetheless, I hope you guys still enjoyed this blog post! As a little bonus, here's a picture of L and Light fighting. Enjoy!

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Was Misa Amane a necessary character in Death Note? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! There may be some spoilers in this post though, so proceed with caution! Now then, on with the post! So, was Misa really a necessary character for the series? Although there is no denying the fact that Misa ended up being a rather important character in Death Note, that doesn't really mean she was a necessary character. For example, the main reason she even existed was so there wouldn't just be a cast of all males for the story. So, she was added to make it seem a little livelier. Along with this, Misa ended up with the Shinigami eyes because Light would never have traded for them himself. However, she also ended up becoming the second Kira, which played a large role for the plot of the show. Her intense infatuation with Light also created a few subplots of their own, which helped move the story along. Because of this, I think Misa did end up being a necessary character for the series. Death Note may have ended up quite differently if she had never been added to it, and some parts of the series may never have even happened. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this subject anyways. Nonetheless, I hope you guys still enjoyed this blog post! As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Misa below. Enjoy!

Friday, July 5, 2019

Is Lind L. Tailor an important character in Death Note? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! There may be a few spoilers in this post though, so proceed with caution! Now then, on with the post! So, is Lind L. Tailor an important character? Not very much is known about him, and he played a very small role in the series. However, he was actually pretty useful. Even though he was more-or-less just used as a sacrifice, his death ended up playing a rather large part in the Kira investigation. For example, L would have had a much harder time pinpointing Kira's location in the world if Light hadn't killed Lind L. Tailor. He may not have even been able to find Kira if Lind L. Tailor didn't make that specific broadcast. So despite this character only appearing in one small segment of the series, his sacrifice actually greatly helped L's investigation. This in turn means that Lind L. Tailor ended up being a pretty important character for the series. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic anyways. Nonetheless, I hope you guys still enjoyed this blog post! As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Lind L. Tailor below. Enjoy!

Thursday, July 4, 2019

It's the 4th of July! That means it's Independence Day here in America, which in turn means it's time for my annual 4th of July blog post! Since Independence Day is an American holiday, that means there isn't really anything anime-related for it. So, I will be including five anime pictures for the 4th of July below instead. But, I would first like to mention that I don't own any of these pictures. So, please support the original artists! Now then, on with the pictures! Happy 4th of July everyone!

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

It's post time! The blog post for today will be about Dokidoki Yummychums. Dokidoki Yummychums are Sanrio characters, and they are a group of different food items. There are 12 of them in total, and they are Dokidoki Burger, Dokidoki Fries, Dokidoki Hotdog, the five Dokidoki Chicken Chums, and the four Dokidoki shakes; Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry, and Banana. Along with this, Dokidoki Burger is the main Dokidoki Yummychum. Dokidoki Burger is always smiling, and he comes in many different flavors. He hates the cold and he has a passionate warmth. Since there are so many different Dokidoki Yummychums, I will be including multiple pictures below so you guys can see what they look like. Enjoy!

Dokidoki Vanilla Shake, Dokidoki Burger, and Dokidoki Fries

Dokidoki Chicken Chums

Dokidoki Hotdog

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

New day, new post! Today's blog post will be about the Pokemon Torracat. Torracat is a fire-type Pokemon, and it is the evolution of the Pokemon Litten. It is also the pre-evolution of Incineroar. This Pokemon wears a bell made of fire on its throat. When it spits fire, its bell rings. Torracat also has very strong front legs, and it can bend an iron bar over with just a single punch. It has sharp claws as well. But, these sharp claws can leave its trainer covered in scratches. Torracat can also start to act spoiled if it grows close with its trainer, and its mane will stand up if it is in a good mood. But if it isn't feeling well, its fur will lie down flat. As always, I will be including a picture of Torracat below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Monday, July 1, 2019

How old was L when he became a detective? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! There may be some spoilers for Death Note in this post though, so proceed with caution! Now then, on with the post! So, how old was L when he became a detective? Well, it's actually hard to say; especially since we don't even know how old he was when he arrived at Wammy's House. Along with this, the manga and the anime never said how old he was when he arrived at Wammy's House. Even the one shots and Death Note 13: How To Read doesn't tell us about how old he was before. However, there were some clues in L: The Wammy's House. His initial appearance in this chapter suggests that he was quite young when he first arrived at Wammy's House, and Watari said L solved his first case several years after he had arrived. Although this isn't really a very helpful timeline, L's appearance in the later part of the chapter does suggest that he is most likely in his teens. Because of this, I would say it's safe to assume L was a teenager when he solved his first case. Even though that's a rather wide age range, it's kind of hard to pinpoint what his exact age was without more information. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. It's hard to say if we'll ever get to know exactly how old L was when he became a detective as well, since either Takeshi Obata or Tsugumi Ohba would have to confirm it for us. Nonetheless, I hope you guys still enjoyed this blog post! As a little bonus, I will also be including a picture of L below. Enjoy!