Thursday, July 11, 2019

Ready for a new post? The blog post for today will be about the Pokemon Alcremie. Alcremie is a cute new Pokemon that was just recently introduced. Because of this, it's currently unknown whether it will evolve or not. But, this Pokemon is known as the cream Pokemon. This is because Alcremie has the ability to make whipped cream. The whipped cream will become richer depending on how happy Alcremie is feeling as well. Desserts made with this whipped cream are said to be very delicious, and many pastry chefs want to have Alcremie as their partner because of this. The whipped cream it creates also has a soothing effect, which can give Alcremie the upper-hand in battle. If it is attacked, Alcremie will throw a sweet-scented whipped cream at its opponent to either distract them or temporarily blind them. The whipped cream it uses for this purpose is extremely soothing, and anyone who eats it will quickly lose their will to battle. As always, I will be including a picture of Alcremie below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

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