Wednesday, July 31, 2019

It's time to post! The blog post for today will be about Longcat from Mystic Messenger. Longcat is a guest you can invite to the RFA party, and he shows up multiple times throughout the game. He is usually mentioned by Seven as well, and he seems to be quite popular amongst the Mystic Messenger fans. Longcat is said to have very wise things to say, but humans can't understand him. He sometimes folds his back when he's moving around too. Since he is a cat, he can only meow. Because of this, it can be a bit tricky to answer his e-mails so he can attend the RFA party. This Longcat is most likely based on the real-life Longcat as well, since they are both white cats with long torsos. As always, I will be including a picture of Longcat below so you guys can see what he looks like. Enjoy!

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