Saturday, July 20, 2019

Who is Kalim Al-Asim based on in Twisted-Wonderland? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! First of all, all of the characters in Twisted-Wonderland are based on Disney villains. Since Jamil is based on Jafar, it's safe to assume that Kalim would be based on Iago. But, this isn't necessarily true. Instead, he might actually be based on the Sultan from Aladdin. Although Kalim does have a few elements of parrots in his design, the color of his hair directly contradicts this. This is because Kalim has white hair, which is much more like the Sultan. He also wears a lot of gold jewelry, he grew up in a wealthy family, and Jamil's family has served Kalim's family for generations. Kalim has a rather carefree attitude as well. All of these are more similar to the Sultan's characteristics as opposed to Iago. Unlike most of the other characters, Kalim's name doesn't give it away either; since his name isn't close to Iago's or the Sultan's. Even though the Sultan from Aladdin wasn't a villain, he was somewhat of an antagonist throughout the movie. But if this is true, that would mean Kalim isn't really based on a villain at all. These are mostly just my thoughts on this topic anyways though. Along with this, it will be hard to tell exactly who Kalim is based on until it is officially confirmed. As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Kalim below. Enjoy!

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