Saturday, March 27, 2021

This is my 1,661st blog post! I thought that was a neat number, so I was going to do a special blog post for it. In fact, I was going to find a nice Pokemon with a corresponding number for it. But, I've already done many Pokemon posts on this blog. So, this will be a sort of update post instead. As you all may have noticed, I have been trying to move away from Pokemon. It's a wonderful series, but I have almost exclusively done posts about specific Pokemon for quite some time now. There wasn't any variety on my blog, and it became mundane even for myself. Because of this, I have decided to try my best to stay away from Pokemon and focus on other topics for my blog. However, I would like to thank everyone who has supported my blog thus far. If any of you are interested in my Pokemon posts, I assure you there will be more in the future. I would also like to thank everyone for reading this unconventional post. As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Nageki from Hatoful Boyfriend below for no reason other than I can. Enjoy!

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