Thursday, May 27, 2021

Hatoful Boyfriend and Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star will be delisted from the PlayStation store, iOS, and Android at the end of May. That's right, the contract for the ports has ended; which means the games will have to be taken off all of the stores. However, Hato Moa has confirmed that the games will still be available to everyone who has already purchased it on these devices. So, if any of you want to play these games on the PS4, iOS, or Android, the time to buy the games is now. But, if not, both games will still be available for the pc on Steam. Although many fans are very upset about this, nothing can be done about it at the moment. Even if the games are relisted at a later time, the best course of action for now is to simply buy them before they're gone. Nonetheless, I will be including the announcement tweet below so you guys can see it for yourselves. As a little bonus, I will also be including a picture of Nageki. Enjoy!

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