Friday, May 7, 2021

It's time for a list! Since I usually make lists for things I do like, I decided to change it up a bit and list three Studio Ghibli movies I don't like. Although I'm a big fan of Ghibli movies, there are a few that I just don't like as much as the others. However, this list is a bit shorter than usual because it's difficult finding Ghibli movies I don't like as much. So, I'll also be including my reasoning behind the movies on my list; along with a picture of each movie. Keep in mind these are also just my opinions, as well. Now then, on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) Grave Of The Fireflies - This movie makes me depressed in a bad way.

2.) Pom Poko - I like it, but some parts are just really weird and other parts creep me out.

3.) Princess Mononoke - I actually really like this movie, but the forest spirit is very creepy to me and its weird design makes the movie difficult to watch.

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