Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Are Pokemon based on inanimate objects good? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Although there's quite a few Pokemon based on inanimate objects, many Pokemon fans dislike them. They don't like their designs, and they think it would be better to just base Pokemon on plants and animals. However, I think many of these Pokemon are very creative; especially since a few of them are objects possessed by ghost Pokemon. I like the designs of a lot of the object Pokemon, and Litwick and Klefki are two of my favorite Pokemon. Even though I understand the hate these types of Pokemon receive, most of it isn't deserved. There are a lot of Pokemon who weren't even based on real plants or animals, and adding Pokemon based on objects is just another way of expanding the world and lore of Pokemon. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

It's pride month! Although I waited until the end of the month to do this special post again, that's mostly because I never know what to do for it. However, anime is actually a really good source of representation. Even though it gets looked down on for idolizing or misrepresenting certain relationships, there are still many good forms of representation as well. Even though western cartoons only have a few shows that have minor LGBT+ representation (like Adventure Time and The Owl House), it's very popular in anime and manga. Along with this, it even has names and categories. For those interested in boys love, there's yaoi; and for those interested in girls love, there's yuri. I don't watch these things myself because I'm not interested in romance stories. But, I have heard Yuri On Ice is a good anime to watch. Plus, I know for a fact Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid is a good anime. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! Happy pride month!

Monday, June 28, 2021

What time is it? Post time! The blog post for today will be about nonbinary Pokemon. As I was looking through anime articles earlier today, I found one talking about nonbinary Pokemon. At first glance, I assumed it meant they were being inclusive and adding nonbinary as a gender option for the trainer. However, that isn't what they meant. Instead, they are considering making the Pokemon nonbinary. This made me rather upset, considering I had assumed they were being more inclusive for the people who play the games. Although adding more gender options for the trainers would make sense, I don't see the point in adding it for the Pokemon. Most Pokemon are based on animals anyways, and there are already Pokemon who are genderless. I personally think it would be more welcoming for players if they gave the player characters more gender options, instead of taking those options and giving them to the Pokemon they catch. But, these are just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Sunday, June 27, 2021

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the new figurine for Toru Hagakure. For those of you who don't know, Toru Hagakure is the invisible girl in My Hero Academia. She's very popular, so a figurine was bound to be made for her eventually. But, how can a figurine be made for her if she's invisible? Well, it can't. Instead, her figurine is her hero outfit; which is just shoes and blue gloves. This figurine is rather clever for an invisible character, and it's pretty simple too. For those of you who are interested, it's currently available for 18 dollars on Funimation's website. As always, I will be including a picture of the figurine below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Saturday, June 26, 2021

It's time to post! Today's blog post will be a list of three cute girl characters from Genshin Impact; along with a picture of each. I'm not sure how old these characters are, I just really like their cute designs. These aren't my favorites, either. Just some that I like. Now then, on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) Qiqi

2.) Klee

3.) Diona

Friday, June 25, 2021

Fish Pokemon! Today's post will be a list of fish Pokemon! Specifically five fish Pokemon, along with a picture of each. Fish Pokemon don't usually get very much attention, so I've decided to list some of them here. Magikarp is also one of my favorites and I like making excuses to include it on this blog. Now then, let's get on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) Magikarp

2.) Feebas

3.) Goldeen

4.) Qwilfish

5.) Lanturn

Thursday, June 24, 2021

It's time for another list! So, today's blog post will be a list of five soft/cuddly Pokemon; along with a picture of each. I would like to clarify that this list is based completely on my opinion of which Pokemon I think would be soft and cuddly. These aren't necessarily my favorite Pokemon either, just some that I like. Now then, on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) Wooloo

2.) Eevee

3.) Furret

4.) Teddiursa

5.) Skitty

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

It's time for a list! So for today's blog post, I will be listing five Vocaloid songs that are used for animation memes; along with a link for each. Since I'm sure I've made a list like this before, I decided to make another one. Animation memes are actually a really good way of finding songs, and you can often find talented creators through them as well. Now then, on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) Little Astronaut

2.) Paranoia

3.) Karma

4.) Candle Queen

5.) Housewife Radio

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

3, 2, 1, post time! The blog post for today will be about Adepti from Genshin Impact. Adepti are godlike beings, and they reside in Liyue. Almost all of them are bound by contracts, and they all hold a lot of power. Along with this, they are all led by the geo archon, Rex Lapis. The Adepti's job is to protect Liyue from things such as demons and evil spirits, as well. Since Xiao is considered to be an Adeptus, I will be including a picture of him below. Enjoy!

Monday, June 21, 2021

What time is it? Post time! Today's blog post will be about Klee from Genshin Impact. Klee is a pyro character, and she is a knight of Favonius. She also specializes in explosives, and she sees them as toys. Although Klee's misunderstanding of when to use her explosives often lands her in solitary confinement, she usually just uses this time to make more explosives. Klee is actually a very kind and rather well-behaved little girl, as well. She's simply excitable and misunderstood. As always, I will be including a picture of Klee below so you guys can see what she looks like! Enjoy!

Sunday, June 20, 2021

It's father's day! So for this year's special post, I will be listing three father figures from Death Note; along with a picture of each. I will also be including an explanation for each inclusion, as well. So, let's get on with the list! Enjoy! Happy Father's Day!

1.) Soichiro Yagami - Literally Light's father. He is supportive of his family, and he would do anything for them.

2.) Watari - L's guardian. He has taken care of L since he was a child, and he is an excellent caretaker, guardian, and father figure.

3.) L - Although he isn't a father or even much of a father figure, L is a great role model for the children of the orphanage. Many of them aspire to be like him, and he treats them with kindness whenever he speaks with them.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the MitchiriNeko March. Although Mitchiri Neko is a show now, I'll only be talking about the short little video. This video is a cute three minute short, and it features little cats in a marching band. It has very cute music, and the animation is simple and smooth. This little video is very popular and well-known, and it has been around for years now. Many people watch this video to improve their mood, since it's rather short and cute with upbeat music. I would personally recommend watching this little video as well, and I will be including the link for it below for anyone who may be interested. Enjoy!

The link for MitchiriNeko March:

Friday, June 18, 2021

Is it better to watch anime English dubbed, or English subbed? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Although this is a highly debated subject in the anime community, no one ever really has an answer. Many people insist English subbed is better, but other people prefer the English dubbed version. I myself prefer English dubbed, since I have trouble reading and watching at the same time. I also tend not to read the subtitles fast enough. But as someone who has watched the subbed version and dubbed version of some shows, it's easy to see that good dubbing companies only change a few things to match the flow of the show better. So which one is better? Well, neither. Dubbed anime is good for those who have trouble with subtitles or prefer hearing it in English, and subbed anime is good for those who can follow along and experience a more literal translation. So all in all, it really all depends on ability and preference. Nobody should force anyone to watch either anime format. Instead, we should all just appreciate the fact that we're all fans of the same thing. But, these are just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Netflix will be adding another new anime! However, not very much is currently known about it. All we know is that this new anime will be based on the original Grimm's fairy tales, and it is a collaboration project between Netflix, CLAMP, and WIT Studio. But, we don't know much more than this. As of right now, there hasn't even been a name reveal or a release date. Along with this, only one picture has been revealed for it. Despite this, many people are already pretty interested in this new anime. As always, I will be including a picture of it below so you guys can see what it will look like. Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

What time is it? It's time for another new blog post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about Wrist World. Wrist World is an augmented reality game, and it can be played using the official slap bracelets and app. However, it also features Hatsune Miku. This is because of a special bracelet that was created just for Miku. This bracelet adds Miku to the game, as well as all of the available worlds. It features new songs for her, as well. Along with this, the commercial for the Miku bracelet is becoming a bit of a meme in the Vocaloid community. If any of you are interested in Wrist World, I will be including the link for the official website below. Enjoy!

The link for the Wrist World website:

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

It's list time! Since I mention Pokemon on this blog a lot, I've decided to list three of the Pokemon trainers I like instead; along with a picture of each. These aren't my favorite trainers, either. Just some of the ones I like. I just wanted to do this list for fun. Now then, let's get on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) N

2.) Clemont

3.) Wally

Monday, June 14, 2021

Ready for another new post? For today's blog post, I will be talking about Project Sekai: Colorful Stage featuring Hatsune Miku. Project Sekai is an app, and it was a collaboration between Craft Egg, Crypton Future Media, CyberAgent, and Sega. It is a rhythm game, and it is currently only available in Japan. This game features many original characters, as well as the Crypton Vocaloids. It has many songs to play, as well as stories to follow along with. It even has moving models and a live concert mode. However, it's currently only available in Japanese. Despite this, it's still a very popular game; even though it's unclear if it will ever receive an English version. But if any of you are still interested in this app, it is a free game. As always, I will be including a picture of Project Sekai: Colorful Stage below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Sunday, June 13, 2021

What time is it? Post time! Today's blog post will be about the Pokemon Quagsire. Quagsire is a water/ground-type Pokemon, and it is the evolution of the Pokemon Wooper. This Pokemon has a very laid-back and easygoing nature. Along with this, it doesn't mind if it bumps its head on boats or even boulders while it's swimming. Quagsire often bangs its head on the river bottom while it's swimming too, but it doesn't care at all. Its body is always slimy, as well. As always, I will be including a picture of Quagsire below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Saturday, June 12, 2021

It's post time! The blog post for today will be about Doki Doki Literature Club Plus. For those of you who don't know, Doki Doki Literature Club is a very popular and well-known visual novel. Although it wasn't made in Japan, it was made in the anime art-style. Along with this, it was recently announced that it will be receiving an update. The game will not only be ported to consoles, but it will also receive additional content for the main story. It will be given new side stories, too. As of right now, not very much is known about Doki Doki Literature Club Plus. However, it is currently available for pre-order; and it will be officially released on June 30th. If any of you would like to know more about Doki Doki Literature Club Plus, I will be including the link for the announcement below. Enjoy!

Friday, June 11, 2021

It's 707's birthday! However, it isn't just Seven's birthday. I usually don't mention this because it's a pretty big spoiler (here's your warning), but it's also Saeran's birthday! The twins usually don't get to celebrate their birthday together, so I'm including both of them in this year's post! To help celebrate their birthday, I'll be including three special pictures of them below. Enjoy! Happy birthday Seven and Saeran!

Thursday, June 10, 2021

It's time for yet another list! So for today's blog post, I will be listing three recipes from Cooking Mama: Let's Cook; along with a picture of each. To make it fair, I'm only including the free recipes you start the game with. I personally think these recipes are fun, and they don't require any in-game purchases to enjoy. Now then, let's get on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) Sushi balls

2.) French fries

3.) Salisbury steak

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

What time is it? Post time! Today's blog post will be about fan-made merchandise. Although most popular games, anime, and manga have official merchandise, many people still make their own things for them. But, a lot of people don't approve of this because it doesn't support the original creators. However, many smaller creators encourage fan-made merchandise as long as it doesn't take away from official merchandise. This is because fan-made merchandise can draw in more fans for the creators, and it also supports the people who create the merchandise. Some merchandise also helps the fans, since fan-made merchandise can include the products that aren't included in official merchandise. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of plushie 707 below. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

It's time, for a list! So for today's blog post, I will be listing the top three birds from Hatoful Boyfriend; along with a picture of each. I won't be going by human design, or their in-game sprites. Instead, I will be going by their anime bird forms. These aren't necessarily my favorites, either. They're just some of the designs I like. Now then, on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) Nageki

2.) Kazuaki-Kun

3.) Okosan

Monday, June 7, 2021

Did Misa love Rem in Death Note? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! There will be spoilers in this post though, so proceed with caution! Now then, on with the post! Although I've talked about Rem loving Misa on this blog before, I've never really talked about if Misa loved Rem. That's mostly because it's rather clear that she didn't. Even though Rem clearly cared about Misa very much, Misa didn't show any care for her at all. She joked about killing Rem when she found out how to kill a shinigami, she willingly forgot Rem so she wouldn't have to leave Light, and she almost never even listened to Rem. Rem did many things to protect Misa, but Misa showed no compassion for Rem. Even if she talked to Rem often, it was more out of convenience than companionship. I'd even go so far as to say Misa was simply manipulating Rem to get what she wanted. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Rem below; mostly because I like her better than Misa. Enjoy!

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Why isn't Jaehee's route romantic in Mystic Messenger? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! There may be some spoilers in this post though, so proceed with caution! Now then, on with the post! Although Jaehee states she's only friends with the MC multiple times throughout her route, this may not actually be the case. Jaehee seems to be very close with the MC throughout her route, and many times she acts like she likes her as more than just a friend. Despite this, she still insists they're just friends. However, she may just be in denial; since up until then she was only interested in men. It may also be because she simply doesn't realize she likes the MC yet, especially considering how much more romantic the DLC seems. The lack of romance in Jaehee's main route may just be for the comfort of the player as well, since many of the people who play the game are there for the boys. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Jaehee and the MC below. Enjoy!

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Since I've been doing so many posts about Pokemon and Hatoful Boyfriend recently, I've decided to change it up a bit. Because of this, I will be listing five lesser-known anime series for beginners. People tend to just recommend the mainstream anime for beginners, but there's so much more than that. So, let's get on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) Servamp

2.) Hamtaro

3.) Cheer Boys

4.) Zatch Bell

5.) Kiss Him Not Me

Friday, June 4, 2021

Since yesterday's post was a list of three sweet Pokemon, I decided to make today's post a list of three cute and creepy Pokemon; along with a picture of each. I like cute Pokemon, and I like creepy Pokemon. So, I'm listing Pokemon that are both of those things. Along with this, it's also just a good contrast to yesterday's list. Now then, let's get on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) Mimikyu

2.) Mawile

3.) Gourgeist

Thursday, June 3, 2021

3, 2, 1, post time! I've been doing a lot of lists on this blog recently. So, here's another one! Today's post will be a list of three sweet Pokemon, along with a picture of each. I know this list is rather short, but I just wanted to list a few Pokemon. These Pokemon are also cute and, according to their dex entries, very sweet. Everyone knows that's always a plus. Now then, let's get on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) Alcremie

2.) Swirlix

3.) Milcery

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

It's time to post! The blog post for today will be about the Pokemon Beautifly. Beautifly is a bug/flying-type Pokemon, and it is the evolution of the Pokemon Silcoon. It is also the evolution of the Pokemon Wurmple. This Pokemon's mouth is like a coiled needle, and it uses its mouth to collect pollen from flowers. Its favorite food is the sweet pollen of flowers as well, and anyone is sure to see a Beautifly if they keep flowers by their house. When Beautifly is fluttering about looking for pollen, it will often ride the winds. As always, I will be including a picture of Beautifly below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

I'm back with another list! So, today's blog post will be a list of three English covers of Neru songs I like; along with a link for each. For those of you who don't know, Neru is a Vocaloid producer who makes amazing songs. So, I decided to list a few of the English covers I like. However, I would recommend checking out the originals as well. Now then, on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) Tokyo Teddy Bear by Jubyphonic

2.) Whatever Whatever Whatever by Zoozbuh and Cammie Mile

3.) Becoming Potatoes by Trickle