Tuesday, June 29, 2021

It's pride month! Although I waited until the end of the month to do this special post again, that's mostly because I never know what to do for it. However, anime is actually a really good source of representation. Even though it gets looked down on for idolizing or misrepresenting certain relationships, there are still many good forms of representation as well. Even though western cartoons only have a few shows that have minor LGBT+ representation (like Adventure Time and The Owl House), it's very popular in anime and manga. Along with this, it even has names and categories. For those interested in boys love, there's yaoi; and for those interested in girls love, there's yuri. I don't watch these things myself because I'm not interested in romance stories. But, I have heard Yuri On Ice is a good anime to watch. Plus, I know for a fact Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid is a good anime. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! Happy pride month!

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