Sunday, June 20, 2021

It's father's day! So for this year's special post, I will be listing three father figures from Death Note; along with a picture of each. I will also be including an explanation for each inclusion, as well. So, let's get on with the list! Enjoy! Happy Father's Day!

1.) Soichiro Yagami - Literally Light's father. He is supportive of his family, and he would do anything for them.

2.) Watari - L's guardian. He has taken care of L since he was a child, and he is an excellent caretaker, guardian, and father figure.

3.) L - Although he isn't a father or even much of a father figure, L is a great role model for the children of the orphanage. Many of them aspire to be like him, and he treats them with kindness whenever he speaks with them.

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