Friday, December 17, 2021

It's post time! So for today's blog post, I will be listing the Wammy's boys from Death Note in order of my favorite to my least favorite. This list will consist of L, Near, Mello, and Matt. Along with this, I will be giving a brief explanation for their positions on my list. Keep in mind this is just my opinion, too. So, let's get on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) L - Of course L is my favorite. He had the most screen time, and really got fleshed out as a character. I love his slightly abnormal and messy design, and he's just fun to watch and study.

2.) Near - I really like his character. He's similar to L, but he isn't L. He's very cool and level-headed.

3.) Mello - I don't like Mello as much just because he's pretty arrogant. He's quick to anger and not a team player.

4.) Matt - I really want to like Matt, but I don't know very much of anything about him. I feel bad for him because he seemed like a pretty interesting character, but he barely got any screen time. He's still cool though.

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