Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Why can't we stay in any of the inns in Genshin Impact? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Although there are a few inns in Genshin Impact, the player cannot stay in any of them. Even the Wangshu Inn is off-limits, despite it being known as a safe resting place for adventurers. Along with this, only the inn in Mondstadt gives a reason for why it can't be used. It's hard to say why this is though. It's true we have the Serenitea Pot now, but before that we had nowhere to stay. We can't even use the beds in the Serenitea Pot yet, either. As a little addition to this, the Wangshu Inn itself has no accessible rooms. It only has the kitchen, the main entrance, a few floors, and some balconies. So, why does Genshin Impact even include inns? They may have been added for realism, but that still doesn't explain why we can't use any of them. It would be easy to rent a room for the night, but even during quests the traveler mentions just sleeping under the stars. I personally think it would add more to the realism if we could at least look around the inns. Even if we can't stay in a room, we could at least see what it looked like inside. Wangshu Inn is one of my favorite places in the game, and I would love to see an extra level with a few rooms for the guests. It seems to have some space below the kitchen area, so it would make sense for them to be there. But on the other hand, I also love it the way it is. These are mostly just my thoughts on this topic, anyways. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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